

  • 德国OPTOLOGIC测速仪-电阻测试仪

ASP5500-300-AIOOO 德国OPTOLOGIC测速仪-电阻测试仪

  • 型号ASP5500-30
  • 品牌
  • 所在地深圳市
  • 更新时间2017-11-23
  • 厂商性质代理商
  • 入驻年限10
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量753
  • 人气值67245
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    深圳市智检系统有限公司成立于2015年,是一家专业代理销售国外品牌检测仪器的民营企业, 公司产品主要代理销售有:德国PTL、德国WAZAU、德国NOVO、日本NMB、日本M-SYSTEM、日本noiseken、日本极东、日本Liniax、日本TEAC、日本FUJI富士、日本志贺SIGA、日本ASANHI KEIKI旭计器、日本Magnescale(原SONY)、美国AST、美国MSP、美国ED&D、以色列OPHIR等品牌检测仪器,涵盖整个家用电器行业,并延伸到电线电缆、开关、插头插座、连接器等相关配套行业领域。



产地进口 加工定制 执行质量标准欧规
描述:标注测速仪 标注测速仪
德国OPTOLOGIC测速仪-电阻测试仪 产品详情


Powerful due to
optimum functionality
The ASCOspeed 5500 is a powerful speed sensor
which has been focused on applications in
the metal industries. It operates according to the
signal phasing groupe method and is therefore
a further development within the proven spatial
frequency filter technology. Thereby the moved
material surface and measured by means of the
precise grid structure of the detector and converted
into an electrical frequency which is proportional
to the speed of the object.
A strong base due to
many years of experience
The spatial frequency filter method has been
known for more then 40 years. Commonly model
described as the “picket fence effect”, the flashing
frequency is proportional to the speed of
a moving light source behind the “pickets”. The
“picket spacing” as a sensitive silicon grid and
associated with more than 15 years of practical
experience mark the outstanding features of this
new powerful generation of speed and length
measure equipment.
Ease of use due to
non-hazardous LED light source
A high-performance LED is used as the light
source. The back-scattered light from the passing
object surface strikes the detector via a lens
which generates the measurement signal. LEDs
are on a par with semiconductor lasers as regards
service life. However, with the LED Class 1,
they represent a clearly reduced potential hazard
as compared with the known Laser Doppler Velocimeters
(LDV) principle.
ASCOspeed 5500 Measurement principle and system advantages ASCOspeed 5500
Maximum dynamics due to fast,


adapted hardware
State-of-the-art signal processing structures
ensure that each change in the material speed
is measured precisely. This is provided by extremely
fast hardware which is able to register,
check and compress the current speed values
in the microseconds range up to maximum material
speeds of 3000 m/min. It is only in this
way that maximum precision can be realised
for acceleration processes. The sensor also
provides a reliable speed signal for the minimal
averaging and output time of 0.5 milliseconds.
Always one step ahead
Conventional mechanical systems can be replaced
without problems by the ASCOspeed
5500. The device has free scaleable quadrature
pulse output channels and can therefore be
used as an alternative to rotary shaft encoders.
The synchronous operation provides significant
benefits for the measurement of differential
speeds such as for mass flow control or skin
pass level control. Using trigger pulse from the
controller, several hardware-controlled measuring
process devices can operate exactly synchronously
and in this way provide more precise
results in acceleration phases.
The master / Slave operation of two autonomous
ASCOspeed gauges now makes possible
the output of differential speed without
additional PLC using internal calculation functions
in the Master gauge. The interconnection
of several devices in inspection lines simplifies
the transmission of the speed information.
Flexibility and compactness due to
integrated design
The compact design combines sensor and
controller in one robust case and thus guarantees
use in many different systems without
The device operates autonomously, has low
power consumption and thus only needs a 24
VDC power supply. Internal temperature monitoring
makes possible the integration in the
controller of climatised applications and thus
increases the operational reliability. Standardised
interfaces open up many possibilities for
the user in the automation of process lines.

ASP5500-300-X -X -X -X -X Most requested system configuration ASP5500-300-A-O-O-O-O Standard Version ASP5500-300-A-I-O-O-O Version with interface ASP5500-300-A-I-S-D-O Synchron Version with interface and direction detection ASP5500-300-A-I-S-D-E Synchron Version, Heavy Duty (Stainless steel protection housing) ASP5500-300-A-I-M-D-O Master-Slave-Version with interface and automatic direction detection O - Standard (without protection housing) E - Heavy Duty Version,(Stainless steel protection housing) O - without direction detection D - with direction detection O - Standard S - Synchron Version M - Master-Slave Version (with Interface) O - without Interface I - with interface A - Standard Distance Range (300±15mm) R - Long Distance Range (300±30mm) 

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