

  • 液浴试验管材纵向回缩率测定仪





  • 型号
  • 品牌其他品牌
  • 所在地承德市
  • 更新时间2024-05-07
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 入驻年限12
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量123
  • 人气值2928
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产品广泛用于国防航空航天、大专院校、科研院所、工矿企业、质量监督检验等多种领域。我公司产品面向全国,遍及各地,质优价廉,享有盛誉。  欢迎各界商家、朋友光顾,诚信合作,我们将以优质产品、优良的售后服务、与您携手并进,共创企业的美好未来。

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Chengde city tsvangirai testing machine co., LTD. The main products are: impact testing machine, PE pipe full set of testing equipment, PPR pipe, a full range of testing equipment, PVC pipe full set of testing equipment, plastic a full range of testing equipment, profile a full range of testing equipment, a full range of testing equipment a helmet, melt flow rate meter, thermal deformation, vicat softening point temperature tester,
Chengde city tsvangirai instrument manufacturing co., LTD., located in the historic city of China, the world famous chengde summer resort and a famous tourist resort.Here is beautiful, and the non-metallic materials testing machine production base in the country.Our company is a professional manufacturer of non-metallic materials testing equipment, has a strong product development, production, sales and service ability of high and new technology enterprise.

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Our company production and development of various non-standard products testing machine, or the national standard production according to customer's request.Do the best product, defend the brand image of made in China.The progress in every day.Make the best products is our eternal pursuit, your satisfaction is our eternal goal.Not satisfied you please said to me, happy please to friends, to your every satisfaction we willing to pay more than effort.

My company all products comply with GB and ISO standards, the enterprise passed the ISO9001 international quality system certification in 2001.Products are widely used in the defence aerospace, colleges and universities, research institutes, industrial and mining enterprises, quality supervision, inspection and other fields.The products of our company facing the whole country and throughout the country, quality and cheap, enjoying a high reputation.Welcome businessmen from all walks of life, friends patronage, sincere cooperation, we will be quality products, excellent after-sales service, with you hand in hand, create beautiful future of the enterprise.

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液浴试验管材纵向回缩率测定仪 产品详情





GB/T 6671-2001 热塑性塑料管材纵向回缩率的测定。






本标准规定了测定(低密度可高密度)聚乙烯(PE)管材纵向回缩率的两种试验方法。 本标准等同采用国际标准ISO 25061981《聚乙烯(PE)管——纵向回缩试验方法和规格》。

 1 试验方法——液浴试验

1.1 原理 将规定长度的试样,置于110±2℃或110±2℃的惰性液体中浸泡30min。 在23±2℃条件下,测量浸泡前后标线间距离。 回缩率按对原始长度的长度变化百分率计算。

1.2 仪器

1.2.1 热浴槽:应满足下列条件: 恒温控制在100±2℃或100±2℃。 热浴槽的容积应使试样浸入时,槽内介质温度变化保持在试验温度范围内。备有搅拌装置,以保证加热介质的温度允差。被搅拌液体的流动状态应对试验结果无任何影响。

1.2.2 夹持器:悬挂试样的装置。

1.2.3 温度计:刻度为0.5℃。

1.3 加热介质 水是低密度聚乙烯最合适的加热介质;乙醇是高密度聚乙烯最合适的加热介质。 选定的加热介质在试验温度下应稳定,不得影响受验产品。

1.4 试样

1.4.1 取长度为150±20mm的管段作为试样。

1.4.2 从三根管材上各取一段。

1.4.3 使用划线器,在距试样两端基本相等的距离处,划两道相距100mm的圆周标线。

1.5 预处理 试样在23±2℃下至少放置2h

1.6 试验步骤 1.6.1 23±2℃下,测量标线间距离L0,精确至0.25mm

1.6.2 将加热介质温度调节至 低密度聚乙烯:100±2℃; 高密度聚乙烯:100±2℃。

1.6.3 将试样置于加热介质中,既不触及槽壁也不触及槽底。

1.6.4 不论管材壁厚如何,均浸泡30min

1.6.5 从槽中取出试样,待冷却至23±2℃,沿母线(直径上相对的)测量标线间、最小距离L,精确至0.25mm。 恒温水箱尺寸,304内胆(465*330*340)带内循环

液浴试验管材纵向回缩率测定仪  液浴试验管材纵向回缩率测定仪

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