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品牌关注 2012年11月23日 10:54:55来源:ABB 20692
摘要  在中共十八大召开之后,瑞士跨国企业表示看好中国的未来,同时期待着为中国实现未来发展目标发挥辅助作用。

  After the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party of China(CPC), multinational companies in Switzerland are confident of a better future in China, looking forward to playing a role in achieving the goals for the future.
  Headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies. Joe Hogan, President and CEO of ABB, expressed congratulations to the successful conclusion of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese CPC and placed great hopes on the new leadership team.
  “It’s an incredible transition going on in China. I think it is very important for the country and for the world now. When you think about the last 10 years, and the importance of the Chinese economy, and the importance of Chinese leadership all over the world, this transition is critical, in the sense of keeping that continuity, and keeping that kind of momentum in China and throughout the world.”
  In addition, Joe Hogan said that under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people will make greater achievements in every field. ABB is committed to providing more services and solutions.
  “The recent 5-year plan is wonderful, with the energy saving and renewable energy.  The whole idea of not just the wealth of the country but the wealth of the people and the development of the people, I think is very good. It’s right in line with what ABB can actually do and can help to facilitate within Chinese society I feel.”
  ABB’s first joint venture in China was founded 20 years ago. The company’s annual investment in China is USD 200 million, for a total of about RMB 1.26 billion. China has become the most important market for ABB besides the United States.
  “The last 10 years have been terrific. If you look at our power side, in the sense of the infrastructure investments in the Chinese grid, the largest and the most sophisticated grid in the world is China. And ABB had a big part in helping to develop that along with State Grid, so we are very proud of that, and we would like to continue that in the future.”

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