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Oxygen Analyzers

Electrochemical cells (fuel cells)

The electrochemical cell and the measuring chamber are housed in a monoblock construction in order to prevent extended purge times. The oxygen is reduced at the cathode and the resulting current is proportional to the diffusion-rate, which only depends on the concentration by volume of the Oxygen contained in the atmosphere and/or the gases to be measured. The sensor can be easily replaced and is inexpensive.

The Oxygen sensors described herein are specific to Oxygen and are capable of measurements below 1 ppb (parts-per-billion) up to and including 100. Oxygen reacts chemically at the sensing electrode fo produce an electrical current signal Output proportional to the Oxygen concentration in the sample gas. The signal Output is linear over all analyzer ranges specified and does remain virtually constant over its normal useful life unlike sensors manufactured by other competitors.

Innovative designs, development of proprietary manufacturing techniques, electrodes and electrolyte materials have been combined to optimize the critical characteristics of the Oxygen sensors to produce the first real advancements in sensor technology in decades.


  • replaceable and maintenance free sensor, completely PTFE-sealed without cleaning
  • unaffected by flow rate, water reducing atmosphere or flue gas
  • useable in combustible gases (HC's, hydrogen), for corrosive gases special electrolytes
  • air calibration (20,9 % O2), no zero or reference-gas required
  • integrated flow adjusting valve
  • specific with absolute zero and linear output

  • Liquefaction: Purity of H2, N2, Ar, He
  • Chemical industry: Purity of Butadien, Propylen
  • Nuclear industry: Atmosphere in Glove-boxes
  • Electronic industry: Semi conductor production
  • Metal industry: Thermal treatment

Paramagnetic Sensor

Magnetic properties of gases. All paramagnetic measuring instruments available on the market today are based on utilizing the paramagnetic properties of oxygen. Oxygen is one of very few gases with a strong magnetic susceptibility. The movement of the electrons within a molecule generates magnetic moments. A distinction is made in this context between:

  • orbital magnetic moment: movement of electrons around the nucleus, within the orbitals
  • spin magnetic moment: the electron's own rotation
External magnetic fields influence these magnetic moments, causing them to align. The orbital magnetic moment responds diamagnetically, in other words aligns in the opposite direction of the external field, thereby weakening it. In contrast, the spin magnetic moment responds paramagnetically, i.e. aligns parallel to the external field and therefore strengthens it. Depending on a molecule's structure, the orbital and spin magnetic moments will be more or less strongly marked, which in turn results in the different magnetic properties of gases. Oxygen has strong paramagnetic properties, while nitrogen responds diamagnetically.

Principle of measurement: There are various different principles of paramagnetic measurement, though in recent years the magnetomechanical or "dumb-bell" principle has come to be used in most measuring instruments. The principle of measurement is based on a sensor in which a dumb-bell comprising two nitrogen-filled spheres is arranged in rotational symmetry within a magnetic field. The gas to be measured passes through the sensor. If the sample gas contains oxygen, the oxygen is drawn into the magnetic field on account of its paramagnetic properties as described above, thereby strengthening the field. The nitrogen inside the glass spheres has the opposite magnetic polarization and is forced out of the field, causing the dumb-bell to rotate. The degree of rotation is directly proportional to the oxygen concentration. To reduce sensitivity to vibration, the dumb-bell's rotation is no longer measured directly in modern sensors. Instead, a mirror is attached at the dumb-bell's rotational axis and symmetrically reflects a beam of light onto a pair of photocells. When the dumb-bell starts to rotate, a potential difference is generated at the photocells. The resulting current is amplified and conducted around the dumbbell through windings. The current flow generates an electromagnetic countermoment which causes the dumb-bell to return to its original position. The current needed to maintain the dumb-bell in its null position is directly proportional to the oxygen concentration.


  • non resumable, no sensor changing
  • insensitive to flow and temperature changes
  • fast response time
  • long life stability

  • Liquefaction: Purity of H2,N2, Ar,He
  • Chemical industry: Purity of Butadien, Propylen
  • Nuclear industry: Atmosphere in Glove-boxes
  • Pharmceutical industry, Air separation plants, Medical applications, dustrie


Principle of function: The principle of the zirconia oxygen analyzer is as follows: At high temperatures the zinconia element, as a solid electrolyte, is a conductor of oxygen ions. Platinum electrodes are attached to the interior and exterior of the zirconia. Heating the element allows different partical oxygen concentrations of the gasses to come into contact with the opposite side of the zirconia creating an oxygen concentration cell. In other words, oxygen molecules gain electrons to form oxygen ions with higher partical oxygen concentrations. These ions travel through the zirconia element to the other electrode. At that point, electrons are released to form oxygen molecules (refer to the chemical formula). The Nernst expression can be applied to calculate the force by measuring the electromotive force E generated between the two electrodes.


  • Less Maintenance wartungsfrei; long life distances (3-5 years)
  • Working pressure 0...4 bar
  • Unlimited storability
  • Range comparison to ambient air
  • Long life stability, no reference gases necessary

  • Liquefaction: Purity of H2,N2, Ar,He
  • Verpackungsindustrie: Inertisierung
  • Nuclear industry: Atmosphere in Glove-boxes
  • Medical application: medical oxygen
  • Clean-room enginering Luftanalyse


  • Rack 19"
  • Portable version with rechargeable battery with built in charger (optional internal pump)
  • Wall mounting version
  • Analyzers for hazardous areas, ATEX compliant
Please contact our specialists for further information and description off all analyzers.



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