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温度变送器|流量计|压力表|液位计 压力变送器|热电阻|热电偶|物位计




中国仪器仪表学会(China Instrument and Control Society)简称CIS,是中国仪器仪表与测量控制科学技术工作者自愿组成并依法登记成立的学术性、公益性、非营利性社团法人,是党和国家联系仪器仪表与测量控制科技工作者的桥梁和纽带,是发展中国仪器仪表与测量控制科学技术事业的重要社会力量。

Brief Introduction to China Instrument & Control Society

China Instrument and Control Society, CIS for short, is an academic and public nonprofit organization with legal registration, composed of professionals in the field of measurement & control and instrumentation science and technology on a voluntary base in China, serving as the bridge and contact link with the Party and the Chinese government. CIS is one of the important social forces in developing measurement & control and instrumentation science and technology.
Founded in March 29 ,1979, CIS has enrolled 42,000 individual members, including 2000 senior members and 2100 group members, setting up 41 technical committees, 29 local sections, and 10 ad hoc committees, with publication of six academic and technical journals on measurement & control and instrumentation.
China Instrument and Control Society has established close bilateral and multilateral relationships with her counterparts of the United States, UK, Japan, France, Germany, Singapore, Korea and other countries as well as with those of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions.
CIS unites the majority of measurement & control and instrumentation scientific and technical people to implement the policies of the national science and technology; comply with the national laws and regulations; adhere to democratic principles; be committed to upgrade measurement & control and instrumentation workers' professional quality; promote the prosperity and development of measurement & control and instrumentation science and technology; popularize the science and technology of measurement & control and instrumentation; support industrial innovation of the measurement & control and instrumentation; accelerate the development of measurement & control and instrumentation technology in combination with economic development; provide services to the Society members, to the measurement & control and instrumentation workers, and to the national modernization drive.
The CIS functions include: membership services; conferences and exhibitions; media and publications; education and training; technical consultation; market survey & research; information network; science & technology evaluation science & technology awards.

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