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  • Freeze spray dryer-experiment machine

Freeze spray dryer-experiment machine

  • 型号
  • 品牌
  • 所在地上海市
  • 更新时间2018-06-08
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 入驻年限6
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量75
  • 人气值25172

Freeze spray dryer-e

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东莞市卓尔凡电力科技有限公司是一家集研发设计、生产、维修、销售为一体的高科技企业。 公司位于广东省东莞市东城区周屋龙华路温塘工业区,面积约5500平方米。公司现有员工100多人,其中技术人员20多名、管理人员10多名技能工人20多名。专业研发、设计、生产、维修、销售各类:稳压器、单相稳压器、全自动高精度稳压器、三相稳压器、非标稳压器、大功率稳压器、交流稳压器、智能交流稳压器、电子式稳压器、无触点稳压器、无触点(可控硅)稳压器、变压器、自藕变压器、隔离变压器、非标变压器、大功率变压器、变频电源变压器、环形变压器、防水环形变压器、非标环形变压器、稳变压器一体机、非标稳变一体机、大功率稳变一体机。


操作方式间歇式 产地国产 定时功能其他
加工定制 适用领域橡胶
The experimental spray freeze dryer is a product developed by our company after many experiments and combined with freeze drying technology in this field.Freeze spray dryer-experiment machine
Freeze spray dryer-experiment machine 产品详情

The experimental spray freeze dryer is a product developed by our company after many experiments and combined with freeze drying technology in this field. The spray freeze dryer is compact, self-contained and can run without other facilities. Color large LCD touch screen operation, main components such as compressors, peristaltic pumps, heaters, nozzles and all original imports. Excellent equipment stability and high collection rate of products has been widely recognized and praised by customers.

Freeze spray dryer-experiment machine The range of application:

The spray freeze dryer is especially suitable for low temperature drying of materials with high temperature sensitivity, viscosity, active materials and high sugar content, such as natural product extracts, dairy products and biological preparations. Enzyme preparations, fruit juice, polymer materials and so on and suitable for universities, research institutes and food, pharmaceutical and chemical industry laboratories to produce micro particles of powder, for all solutions such as emulsion, Suspension has a wide range of applicability, suitable for the drying of heat-sensitive substances such as biological products, biological pesticides, enzyme preparations, etc.


Freeze spray dryer-experiment machine Main features:

1, color large touch screen operation, automatic control and manual control, Chinese and English panels, parameter liquid crystal display;

2, this machine will spray drying and vacuum freeze drying organic combination, the drying time is very short, The traditional vacuum freeze-drying time is greatly shortened, and the dried materials are powdery solids. The original biological and chemical properties of the spray-freeze-dried articles are basically unchanged and easy to preserve for a long time. After adding water, it can be restored to the form before freeze-drying and can maintain its original biochemical characteristics.

3, this machine adopts the refrigeration system of the built-in air-cooled condensing type totally closed compressor, which is quick to refrigerate, the temperature of the freezer is low, the adsorption capacity of water is strong, and the temperature is high. Vacuum display is digital, accurate and intuitive;

4, freeze-spray-dried articles are naturally heated air sublimation to maintain the safety of the sample;

5, the mainframe is equipped with a vacuum pump power plug, no additional power supply, easy to use, High safety;

6, vacuum connection using international standard clamps, convenient, reliable, flexible disassembly;

7, high degree of automation, stable performance, easy to operate, low noise;

8, compare with the traditional freeze-drying machine: Rapid freeze-drying of liquid materials with adherent wall and organic compounds (juice, Chinese medicine extract, etc.), and the dried finished product is in the state of particle, fluidity is good, the particle size can be adjusted within a certain range;

9, the special protection function, the fan does not start, Heater can not start;

10, imported compley oil-free air compressor, less noise than 50db

Freeze spray dryer-experiment machine Brief description:

1, freezing temperature less than -15 ℃

2, dry finished products: no need to comminute, powder uniformity, good retention of material activity to overcome the phenomenon of viscous material wall adhesion

The technical parameters are as follows:

1, Handling capacity:1000ml per time; Minimum experimental quantity: 30ml ;

2, spray freezing temperature: < -15 ℃

3, cold trap temperature: ≤ -60 ℃;

4,vacuum pump power: 2 KW ;

5, limit vacuum pressure < 20 Pa (no load);

6, spray pressure: 2 ~ 5 BAR(Spray pressure adjustable);

7, air compressor output: 4. 2 M3/h, power 0.2KW;

8, Cold air volume: 5.5 M3 / min;

9, color LCD touch screen control system: drying chamber temperature / peristaltic pump speed / fan frequency / needle frequency / drying chamber pressure

10, dry air flux: maximum air volume 0-330m3/h, maximum wind pressure 686Pa

11, jet ( Pin: adjustable frequency (built-in 2.3bar compressed air supply);

12, power: 9 KW 380V 50HZ

13, can be upgraded to a conventional hot air spray dryer, One machine dual purpose, simulating more production process

14, size: 1150 × 770 × 1350( L × W × H)


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