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  • PLHL17040石油产品硫含量测定仪


  • 型号
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  • 所在地
  • 更新时间2021-01-05
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 入驻年限6
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量141
  • 人气值812


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符合标准 GB-T 17040-2008 石油和石油产品硫含量的测定 能量色散 X 射线荧光光谱法GB-T 17606-2009 原油中硫含量的测定 能量色散 X 射线荧光光谱法检测范围 石油和石油产品中硫含量的测定。GB-T 17040-2 ...
PLHL17040石油产品硫含量测定仪 产品详情
仪器系物理方法采用 X射线光谱法, 分析中不接触、不破坏样品, 无需化学试剂。
① 检测范围广:石油和各种石油产品中硫含量的测定。
② 测量速度快:短只需 30 —60 秒即可准确测定硫含量。
③ 操作简捷: 软件运行于安装Windows 2000/Windows xp/Windows 7 的pc上,只需一次单击即可完成全部测量工作;也可根据用户需要自行设定各种测量,校正参数。
④ 历史记录完备:可以根据用户需要,将测量的原始数据,测量结果 ,测量报告存入软件内置数据库*保存以便日后查看,避免用户繁琐的测量数据维护工作;测量结果也可以导出为谱图 word 文档 excel 表格, pdf文档等多种形式,由用户自行管理。
⑤ 样品杯:采用一次性样品杯,造价低,可避免样品交叉污染 ;样品制作快捷方便 , 不易泄露 ; 采用单面膜样品杯 , 可在样品杯背面记录样品浓度、号码、日期等。
⑥ 标准样品消耗量少 : 每次只需 4 ~10 亳升 , 大大减少了标准样品的消耗量。
⑦ 仪器校正简便 : 除采用标准校正外 , 还采用手动校正标准曲线 , 即将标准曲线所测出的数值重新输入自检系统 , 仪器会自动进行校正 , 减少了标准样品的消耗量。
⑧ 具有自动增益修正 :当X光管*使用 , 能量下降时 , 仪器会自动调整相应算法保障测量精度,这实际也延长了 X X 光管寿命。
⑨ 自动温度大气压修正:仪器可根据环境温度和大气压自动调整仪器内部系统,修正由于两者变化对样品的干扰,用户不必计算修正系数来修正 。
⑩ 自动选取标准曲线 : 仪器可存贮任意多条标准曲线 , 用户可选择的曲线,也可以选择 " 自动",由仪器自动选与被测样品匹配的曲线 。如果被测样品超出所有曲线检量点范围,仪器会用 " 外插法 " 测量。
? 污染保护 : 仪器样品检测舱增设防溢出保护装置 , 防止检测过程中样品泄露,对 X光管和探测器造成污染。
? 联接便利 : 仪器采用标准USB 接口 , 可以连接任何一台电脑 。 性能价格比高,适合我国国情。
? 仪器配置 : 仪器主机 、 荧光测硫软件 、 电脑本( 或台式电脑) 、 喷墨或激光打印机等。
产 品 技 术 规 格
符合标准:GB-T 17040-2008 石油和石油产品硫含量的测定 能量色散 X 射线荧光光谱法
GB-T 17606-2009 原油中硫含量的测定 能量色散 X 射线荧光光谱法
分析精度:样品浓度 100ppm 时,<±15ppm;样品浓度 1000ppm=""><±5%;样品浓度><>
检出限: 20ppm
测量时间:100 秒、300 秒、自动、手动设定。
样品消耗量:4~10 亳升
尺 寸:长×宽×高:430×390×130mm
重 量:17Kg
PLHL17040 petroleum product sulfur content analyzer (X-ray spectroscopy)
feature of product
Instrument physical method using X-ray spectroscopy, analysis does not contact, do not destroy the sample, without chemical reagents.
① detection range: oil and various petroleum products in the determination of sulfur content.
② measurement speed: the shortest only 30 - 60 seconds to accurately determine the sulfur content.
③ simple operation: the software running on the installation of Windows 2000 / Windows xp / Windows 7 pc, just one click to complete all the measurement work; can also be set according to user needs a variety of measurement, calibration parameters.
④ complete historical records: according to user needs, the measured raw data, measurement results, measurement reports stored in the software built-in database for long-term storage for future viewing, to avoid the user tedious measurement data maintenance work; measurement results can also be derived as spectrum word Document excel form, pdf documents and other forms, by the user self-management.
⑤ special sample cup: the use of disposable patent sample cup, low cost, to avoid cross-contamination of the sample; sample production fast and convenient, easy to leak; single-mask sample cup, the sample cup can be recorded on the back of the sample concentration, number, date and so on.
⑥ standard sample consumption less: only 4 to 10 ml each time, greatly reducing the consumption of standard samples.
⑦ Instrument calibration is simple: In addition to the use of standard calibration, but also by manually correcting the standard curve, the standard curve will be measured by the value of re-input self-test system, the instrument will automatically correct, reducing the standard sample consumption.
⑧ with automatic gain correction: When the X-ray tube long-term use, energy decline, the instrument will automatically adjust the corresponding algorithm to ensure measurement accuracy, which actually extends the X X-ray tube life.
⑨ Automatic temperature and atmospheric pressure correction: The instrument can automatically adjust the internal system of the instrument according to the ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure. If the interference of the two changes to the sample, the user does not need to calculate the correction coefficient to correct it.
⑩ automatically select the standard curve: the instrument can store any number of standard curve, the user can choose the most suitable curve, you can also choose "automatic", automatically selected by the instrument and the sample is the most matching curve. If the test sample exceeds the range of all curve check points, the instrument will be measured using the "extrapolation method".
? Pollution protection: The instrument sample inspection compartment is equipped with anti-overflow protection device to prevent the sample from being leaked during the inspection, and it will pollute the X-ray tube and the detector.
? connection convenience: the instrument uses a standard USB interface, you can connect any computer. High cost performance, suitable for Chinas national conditions.
? Instrument configuration: instrument host, fluorescent sulfur special software, the computer (or desktop computers), inkjet or laser printers.
Product specifications
Compliance standard: GB-T 17040-2008 Determination of sulfur content of petroleum and petroleum products - Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
Sulfur content in crude oil - Energy dispersive X - ray fluorescence spectrometric method GB / T 17606-2009
Detection range: Determination of sulfur content in petroleum and petroleum products.
Analysis range: S0.005 ~ 99.9%.
Analysis accuracy: <± 15ppm="" when="" sample="" concentration="" is="" 100ppm;=""><± 5%="" when="" sample="" concentration="" is="" 1000ppm;=""><± 1%="" when="" sample="" concentration="" is="">
Detection limit: 20ppm
Measurement time: 100 seconds, 300 seconds, automatic, manual setting.
Sample consumption: 4 to 10 ml
External output: USB2.0
Conditions of use: Ambient temperature: 5 ~ +40 ℃, relative humidity: ≤ 85% (30 ℃); Power supply: 220V ± 20V, 50Hz.
Power consumption: <>
Size: length × width × height: 430 × 390 × 130mm
Weight: 17Kg
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