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仪表网>产品库>测量/计量>其它测量>其他测量>上海荣计达ZT-96水泥胶砂振动台 水泥振实台 水泥胶砂试体振实台
  • 上海荣计达ZT-96水泥胶砂振动台 水泥振实台 水泥胶砂试体振实台
  • 上海荣计达ZT-96水泥胶砂振动台 水泥振实台 水泥胶砂试体振实台
  • 上海荣计达ZT-96水泥胶砂振动台 水泥振实台 水泥胶砂试体振实台

上海荣计达ZT-96水泥胶砂振动台 水泥振实台 水泥胶砂试体振实台

  • 型号
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新时间2021-07-26
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 入驻年限1
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量1334
  • 人气值686

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上海荣计达ZT-96水泥胶砂振动台 水泥振实台 水泥胶砂试体振实台 产品详情


水泥胶砂振实台的制造工艺* 标准,由中国建材水泥所设计,是标准“水泥胶砂强度检验方法(ISO法)GB/T 17671-1999"规定的设备,适用于水泥胶砂试件制备时的振实成型,设备质保期一年,一年内产品如有质量问题,供方负责免费维修。如果因操作A当或者人为损坏,我公司亦应提供维修、更换服务,由此产生的费用由需方承担。

Product introduction of ZT-96 cement sand vibrating table:

The manufacturing process of the cement rubber sand vibrating table fully meets the national standard. It is designed by the Institute of Cement of the Chinese Academy of Building Materials. It is the equipment specified in the standard "Cement rubber sand strength test method (ISO method) GB / T 17671-1999". The compaction molding during the preparation of sand specimens has a warranty period of one year. If the product has quality problems within one year, the supplier is responsible for free maintenance. If it is damaged due to operation A or man-made, our company should also provide repair and replacement services, and the costs incurred shall be borne by the buyer.


★ 振实台振幅:15mm

★台盘 至臂杆轴中距离:800 mm









Technical parameters of cement rubber sand vibrating table:

★ Vibration table amplitude: 15mm

★ Middle distance from platen to boom axis: 800 mm

★ Total weight of vibration part: 20kg ± 0.5kg

★ Falling distance: 15mm ± 0.3mm

★ Vibration frequency: 60 times / 60 seconds ± 2 seconds

★ Motor model: 90TDY4

★ Motor speed: 60 rpm

★ Motor power: 70W

★ Power supply voltage: AC220V

★ Net weight: ≈50kg



★按 标准GB/T17671-1999中的4.2.5要求、振实台安装在高度约400mm的混凝土基座上。混凝土体积约为0.25m3、重约600kg。需防外部振动影响振实效果时,可在整个混凝土基座下放一层厚约5mm天然橡胶弹性衬垫。并注意机体应有良好的用电安全接地。




Third, the installation of cement sand vibrating table

The correct installation of ZT-96 cement rubber sand vibrating table is very important for the production of test specimens and test results. Please follow the steps below during installation.

★ According to the national standard GB / T17671-1999 4.2.5 requirements, the vibrating table is installed on a concrete base with a height of about 400mm. The concrete volume is about 0.25m3 and weighs about 600kg. When it is necessary to prevent external vibration from affecting the compaction effect, a layer of natural rubber elastic pad with a thickness of about 5mm can be placed under the entire concrete base. And pay attention to the body should have a good electrical safety grounding.

★ The vibrating table is fixed on the base with anchor screws, and it is horizontal after installation. You can use a height ruler to correct the height of the four corners of the vibrating table within 1mm, the length in the horizontal direction is within 0.5mm, between the instrument base and the base Place a layer of fresh thick mortar to ensure that they are in full contact. You can also use this method to adjust the table and boom level

★ Tighten the anchor screws after the cement mortar has hardened. Pay attention that the tightening force should be basically the same to prevent the equipment from deforming. Then lift the middle table (5) shown in Figure "1", the raised head (4) and the positioning sleeve (2 ) A should have jamming phenomenon. If jamming phenomenon is found, the level is generally not calibrated, and calibration should be performed after finding the cause.

★ The position of the anchor screw is as shown in the figure






★使用后应清扫仪器上的各种杂物,保持清洁,并将定位套放与原位,以免台面受力而影响 位置。





Fourth, the use and maintenance of cement rubber sand vibrating table

★ Remove the positioning sleeve before operation (see Figure 1), check whether the moving parts move freely, and whether the electric control part is normal. After filling with lubricant, turn on the machine and run idly. Check that everything is normal before use. The positioning sleeve must be removed before each use.

★ Please refer to the attached drawings for the electrical principle. Before the power is turned on, the lock switch SW is in a closed state (that is, a button pop-up position). Press the switch and lock, the motor runs, the electronic counter counts from zero, and stops when it reaches 60 times. Operate again, you can press and release SW twice to repeat the operation.

★ Because the circuit of A uses a power transformer, the circuit part is related to the power supply voltage. The shell must be safely grounded (carefully check whether the PE yellow-green wire of the power plug socket is safely grounded, and A is the power neutral line).

★ Add lubricating oil to the oil cup, and thin the cam surface to reduce wear.

★ After use, clean all kinds of sundries on the instrument, keep it clean, and put the positioning sleeve in place, so as not to be affected by the force on the table surface.

★ After using the instrument for a period of time, if the amplitude becomes too large, it can be adjusted with the enclosed gasket. The specific method is to loosen the stopper fixing screw, take out the stopper, put the washer underneath and tighten the fixing screw again.

★ Amplitude test:

A. Put the attached 14.7mm inspection block between the convex surface and the stopper as shown in Figure "1", and then move the cam by hand. The cam should be in contact with the bearing.

B. Put the 15.3mm inspection block in the same way, the cam and bearing A should be in contact, and the above two conditions are met, that is, the instrument amplitude is qualified. To work



Fifth, the working principle of cement rubber sand vibrating table

The cement rubber sand vibrating table is mainly composed of vibration parts, frame parts and proximity switch program control system. The cam is driven by a synchronous motor during work to make the vibration component move up and fall after rising to a fixed value. Vibration causes the cement mortar to vibrate under the action of force. The instrument is automatically controlled by the proximity switch counting. Stop, easy to use, accurate counting.

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