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  • 江森M9203 3NM弹簧复位驱动器

江森M9203 3NM弹簧复位驱动器

  • 型号
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新时间2021-08-06
  • 厂商性质代理商
  • 入驻年限1
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量90
  • 人气值504

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南京华灏楼宇科技有限公司,是美国江森自控在中国较大的产品分销商之一,是一家以设计施工弱电自动化系统为主的工程公司,主要代理江森自控系列产品,提供国内外客户关于智能化大楼规划、设计、施工管理上一系列整 体服务。 本公司一直重视人性化管理,拥有一支具有专业水准的人才力量,始终坚持“尊重人才,善用人才”的人才发展战略,注重管理人员和员工的知识更新和能力培训,建立强大的人才力量,始终坚持不懈努力,加倍奋斗,更好地为客户提供楼控系统设计、配置、技术支持、降低成本等一系列服务,提高客户在市场上的竞争力。目前在服务、技术、设计、控制成本、物流等几个方面做出全面改进,更好的满足客户的不同需求。为新老客户提供更新更好的产品和服务,为客户创造价值。

江森M9203 3NM弹簧复位驱动器 产品详情

 江森M9203 3NM弹簧复位驱动器资料下载

The M9203 Series Electric Spring Return Actuators are direct-mount actuators.

These bidirectional actuators do not require a damper linkage, and are easily installed on round shafts or square shafts using the standard shaft clamp included with the actuator.

A single M9203 Series Electric Spring Return Actuator provides 3 Nm running and spring return torque.

An integral line voltage auxiliary switch, available only on the M9203-xxB-1(Z) models, indicates end stop position, or performs switching functions within the selected rotation range.

M9203 Series Actuators provide 95° of rotation. A graduated scale from -5° to 90° and a position indicator provide visual indication of stroke. When power fails during service, the mechanical spring return system provides rated torque to the connected equipment, returning it to the home position.

The series includes the following control options:

•  ON/OFF, 24 V, 100 to 240 VAC power

•  ON/OFF and Floating Point, 24 V power

•  Proportional, 24 V power, for 0(2) to 10 VDC or 0(4) to 20 mA Control Signal

■■  3■Nm■Rated■Torque

Provides high torque in a compact package size to expand the range of damper applications in HVA system.

■■  Direct-Coupled■Design

Requires non crankarm or linkage and is capable of direct mounting to a shaft up to 12 mm diameter and centered on a 12 mm shaft.

■■  Reversible■Mounting

Provides either clockwise or counterclockwise operation.

■■  Electronic■Stall■Detection

Protects from overload at all angles of rotation. Power consumption is reduced in holding mode.

The actuator may be stalled anywhere in its rotation range without the need for mechanical end switches.

■■  Double-Insulated■Construction

Eliminates need for electrical ground connection for regulatory agency compliance.

■■  Microprocessor-controlled■Brushless■DC■Motor■(-AGx■and■GGx■types)

Provides constant runtime independent of torque.

■■  External■Mode■Selection■Switch■(-AGx■and■-GGx■types)

Permits control logic reversal for Floating Control (-AGx types). Permits calibration, input signal range selection and control logic reversal for Proportional Control (-GGx types).

■■  Integral■Cables■with■Colored■and■Numbered■Conductors

Simplify installation and field wiring.

■■  Optional■Integrated■Auxiliary■Switch

Provides one integrated, line-voltage-capable Single-Pole, Double-Throw (SPDT) switch with continuously adjustable switch point. Facilitates safety interfacing or signaling.

■■  Override■Control■(Proportional■Models■Only)

Supports manual control system override applications through field wiring.

■■  Manufactured■under■International■Standards■Organization■(ISO)■9001■Quality■Control■Standards■


The M9203 Series Proportional Electric Spring Return Actuators mount directly to the surface in any convenient orientation

using two No. M3.5 x 9.5 mm self drilling sheet metal screws and the anti-rotation bracket (parts included with the actuator). No additional linkages or couplers are required. Electrical

connections are color coded and identified with numbers

Clockwise (CW) Spring Return Direction – Counterclockwise (CCW) Powered Operation

For CW spring return direction, mount the actuator to the damper shaft so that Side B of the actuator is away from the damper as illustrated in Figure 2. With power applied, the actuator drives CCW from the 0° position and spring returns CW.

cable identifies the electrical connections and wiring details are included on the actuator housing.

This Spring Return Actuators can be easily installed on dampers with round shafts from 6 to 12 mm or square shafts from 6

to 8 mm using the standard shaft coupler included with the actuator. If the damper shaft extends less than 84 mm, see the Removable Coupler section for further instructions. If the

damper shaft extends less than 20 mm, install a shaft extension recommended by the damper manufacturer.

Counterclockwise (CCW) Spring Return Direction

- Clockwise (CW) Powered Operation

For CCW spring return direction, mount the actuator to the damper shaft so that Side A of the actuator is away from the damper as illustrated in Figure 1. With power applied, the actuator drives CW from the 0° position and spring returns CCW.

Removable Coupler

If the damper shaft extends less than 84 mm, mount the coupler on the face of the actuator closest to the damper.If the damper shaft extends less than 20 mm, a shaft extension is required to mount the actuator.

To change the coupler’s position, see Figure 3 and proceed as follows:

1. Mount the coupler on either Side A or Side B of the actuator as determined by the shaft length.

2. Snap the locking clip securely into the coupler retention groove to retain the coupler.



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