

仪表网>产品库>实验仪器>纯化设备>超纯水器(超纯水机)>Milli-Q Integral 纯水系统 超纯水器(超纯水机)
  • Milli-Q  Integral 纯水系统 超纯水器(超纯水机)

Milli-Q Integral 纯水系统 Milli-Q Integral 纯水系统 超纯水器(超纯水机)

  • 型号Milli-QInt
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新时间2023-01-17
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 入驻年限1
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量245
  • 人气值1448

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  苏州君思仪器科技有限公司成立于2014年,是一家致力于为实验室提供优质产品与服务的高科技企业,公司自成立之初,始终本着“守信、创新、合作”的理念与发展方向,积极开拓市场,提升产品及服务质量。为客户提供实验室各种仪器设备,实验室耗材,生物制剂等,客户群包含生物制药、化工、食品、环境、第三方检测、以及高校科研院所等领域。代理销售FOSS、TESTO、Millipore、岛津、YSI 、安捷伦、赛多利斯、wako、Eppendorf、Sampletech、Qiagen、BYK、lonza、Advanced、勤奋、一恒等进口国产品牌和产品。 苏州君思相信通过全员的不断努力,科学的销售渠道,始终提供客户满意的服务,定会成为在实验室仪器、耗材及服务领域可信赖的优秀企业!

概述Milli-Q® Integral is a unique combination of optimized water purification and monitoring technologies. It allows, in a single device, both pure (Type 2) and ultrapure (Type 1) water to be produced......
Milli-Q Integral 纯水系统 超纯水器(超纯水机) 产品详情


Water Specifications

Milli-Q® Integral ultrapure water (Type 1)

Resistivity at 25 °C118.2 MΩ•cm
TOC2≤ 5 ppb
Particulates (size > 0.22 μm)3< 1 particulate/mL
Bacteria3,4< 0.01 CFU/mL
Pyrogens (endotoxins)4< 0.001 EU/mL
RNases4< 1 pg/mL
DNases4< 5 pg/mL
Flow RateUp to 2 L/min
1resistivity can also be displayed non-temperature-compensated as required by USP 
2in the appropriate test conditions
3with Millipak® final filter
4with Biopak® polisher
These values are typical and may vary depending on the nature and concentration of contaminants in the feed water.

Milli-Q® Integral pure water (Type 2)

Resistivity at 25 °C1Typically 10-15 MΩ•cm
TOC< 30 ppb
Production flow Rate3 L/h (Milli-Q® Integral 3)
5 L/h (Milli-Q® Integral 5)
10 L/h (Milli-Q® Integral 10)
15 L/h (Milli-Q® Integral 15)
From an E-POD® dispenser with final filter, the following water quality specifications are achieved:
Particulates (size > 0.22 µm)2< 1 particulate/mL
Bacteria2,3< 0.1 CFU/mL
Pyrogens (endotoxins)3< 0.001 EU/mL
RNases3< 0.01 ng/mL
DNases3< 4 pg/µL
Flow RateUp to 2 L/min
1Resistivity can also be displayed non-temperature-compensated as required by USP 
2with Millipak® final filter
3with Biopak® Polisher

Feed water

Feed water qualityPotable tap water as described in US-EPA, EP and WHO norms
Feed water connection½” Gaz M
Feed water pressure*1 - 6 bar
Feed water temperature5 - 35 °C
* For pressure above 6 bar, a pressure regulator needs to be installed upstream of the system

System Specifications

Production unit

Dimensions (H x W x D)500 x 332 x 484 mm (19.7 x 13.0 x 19.0 in)
Operating weight24 - 28 kg (52.9 - 61.7 lb)
Electric power supply voltage100 - 230 V +/- 10%
Electric power supply frequency50 - 60 Hz +/- 10%
Milli-Q® Integral main unit data connectionEthernet (RJ45)

Q-POD® & E-POD® dispensers

Dimensions (H x D)579 x 230 mm (22.8 x 9.0 in)
Operating weight4.7 kg (12.1 lb)
Dispenser tubing length0.8 m (31.5 in)
Distance from production unit to Q-POD®2.9 m (9.5 ft)
Electric power cable length2.9 m (9.5 ft)
Q-POD® data connectionParallel port (25-pin D-Sub)

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