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  • Chamber Kilns, Brick- and Fiber-insulated

N 100/G N 100 N 2200 Chamber Kilns, Brick- and Fiber-insulated

  • 型号N100/GN100
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新时间2023-04-18
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 入驻年限1
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量1258
  • 人气值2438

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Chamber Kilns, Brick- and Fiber-insulated 产品详情
Chamber Kilns, Brick- and Fiber-insulated
N 100/G N 660/G

Rack systems and trays for temperatures of up to 850 °C can be supplied

Chamber kiln with optional fibre insulation for shorter cycle times

N 100/G - N 2200

For many years these high-quality chamber furnaces have proven their excellent suitability
for the glass industry. These models can ideally be used for cooling, bending/slumping and glass decoration.

  • Tmax 900 °C or 1300 °C
  • 5-sides heating for excellent temperature uniformity
  • Available for 900 °C for decorating, slumping/bending and cooling
  • Heating elements on support tubes provide for free heat radiation and long service life
  • Vapour vent in the middle of the roof (excellent ventilation)
  • Smoothly adjustable and easy-to-operate air inlet flap or sliding damper
  • Self-supporting arch provides for high stability
  • Models N 200..GS - N 500..S with special measurements for cooling
  • Double-walled, non-warping door with fibre seal (from model N 440..) or brick on brick for models N 100.. to N 300..
  • Special door lock for easy handling
  • Multi-layer insulation consisting of lightweight refractory bricks and backed by special fibre insulation
  • Models up to N 300/.. are supplied with a removable stand
  • Floor heating elements protected by SiC tiles to provide for level stacking floor
  • Description of the control system see page 42

Additional equipment

  • Electrically driven exhaust air damper activated via the extra function of the controller
  • Fan system for faster cooling with manual or automatic control
  • Fiber-insulation for shorter cycle times, especially cooling periods
  • Multi-zone control for optimal temperature uniformity in the useful chamber
  • Also available for 1400 °C
  • Furnace in HDB design featuring fresh air pre-heating, exhaust gas ventilation and an extensive
  • safety package for debinding and sintering in one process, i. e. without transfering
  • the material from the debinding furnace to the sintering furnace.
Model Tmax Inner dimensions in mm Volume Outer dimensions in mm Supply Electrical Weight
°C w d h in l W D H power/kW connections* in kg
N 100/G 900 400 530 460 100 710 1150 1430 7 3-phase 270
N 150/G 900 450 530 590 150 760 1150 1560 9 3-phase 305
N 200/G 900 500 530 720 200 810 1150 1690 11 3-phase 345
N 200/GS 900 400 1000 500 200 710 1270 840 16 3-phase 300
N 250/GS 900 500 1000 500 250 810 1270 855 18 3-phase 370
N 300/G 900 550 700 780 300 860 1340 1750 15 3-phase 430
N 360/GS 900 600 1000 600 360 910 1270 955 20 3-phase 500
N 440/G 900 600 750 1000 450 1000 1450 1820 20 3-phase 700
N 500/GS 900 600 1400 600 500 910 1670 955 22 3-phase 1000
N 660/G 900 600 1100 1000 660 1000 1800 1820 26 3-phase 850
N 1000/G 900 800 1000 1250 1000 1370 1810 2000 40 3-phase 1680
N 1500/G 900 900 1200 1400 1500 1470 2010 2160 57 3-phase 2300
N 2200/G 900 1000 1400 1600 2200 1570 2210 2360 75 3-phase 2800
N 100 1300 400 530 460 100 710 1150 1430 9 3-phase 270
N 150 1300 450 530 590 150 760 1150 1560 11 3-phase 305
N 200 1300 500 530 720 200 810 1150 1690 15 3-phase 345
N 200/S 1300 400 1000 500 200 710 1270 840 18 3-phase 300
N 250/S 1300 500 1000 500 250 810 1270 855 20 3-phase 370
N 300 1300 550 700 780 300 860 1340 1750 20 3-phase 430
N 360/S 1300 600 1000 600 360 910 1270 955 22 3-phase 500
N 440 1300 600 750 1000 450 1000 1450 1820 30 3-phase 700
N 500/S 1300 600 1400 600 500 910 1670 955 24 3-phase 1000
N 660 1300 600 1100 1000 660 1000 1800 1820 40 3-phase 850
N 1000 1300 800 1000 1250 1000 1450 1850 2000 57 3-phase 1800
N 1500 1300 900 1200 1400 1500 1550 2050 2160 75 3-phase 2500
N 2200 1300 1000 1400 1600 2200 1650 2250 2360 110 3-phase 3100
*Please see page 42 for more information about mains voltage

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