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  • TBS1152B 数字示波器

TBS1152B TBS1152B 数字示波器

  • 型号TBS1152B
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新时间2023-04-30
  • 厂商性质其他
  • 入驻年限1
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量1495
  • 人气值1799

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深圳市世家仪器有限公司是国内仪器仪表行业中的产品代理商、系统集成商、综合服务商之一。本公司建立了覆盖华北、东北、华东,完善的销售和服务网络。世家仪器主要经营的品牌有Keysight安捷伦、美国泰克Tektronix、美国福禄克Fluke、吉时利 **等众多仪器品牌。主要销售信号发生器、LCR测试仪、示波器、电源、频率计、功率计、音频分析仪等高频仪器仪表。其客户遍及高等院校、科研院所、电子制造业等行业。能够根据客户的使用需求,为客户提供各种针对行业应用的完整测试解决方案,同时可以为国内客户提供国际通行的电子测试仪器租赁解决方案。世家仪器已成为集电子仪器销售、维修、租赁为一体的综合服务商。世家仪器伦秉承“诚信,用户至上”的原则,以科技铸就品牌、以品质开拓市场的理念,竭诚为海内外客户提供优质的服务。为客户提供“更经济丰富的产品选择、更有效全面的专业服务”。世家仪器伦秉承“诚信,用户至上”的原则,以科技铸就品牌、以品质开拓市场的理念,竭诚为海内外客户提供优质的服务。为客户提供“更经济丰富的产品选择、更有效全面的专业服务”。
TBS1000B 系列数字存储示波器在紧凑的设计中提供了经济的性能。 由于多种标配功能,包括USB连接、34 种自动测量、极限测试、数据记录、频率计数器、趋势图和上下文相关帮助菜单,TBS1000B 系列示波器可以帮助您在更少的时间内完成更多的工作。
TBS1152B 数字示波器 产品详情
  • TBS1000B 系列数字存储示波器在紧凑的设计中提供了经济的性能。 由于多种标配功能,包括USB连接、34 种自动测量、极限测试、数据记录、频率计数器、趋势图和上下文相关帮助菜单,TBS1000B 系列示波器可以帮助您在更少的时间内完成更多的工作。

    • 200MHz、150 MHz、100 MHz、70 MHz、50 MHz 和 30 MHz1带宽型号

    • 2 通道型号

    • 所有通道上高达 2 GS/s 的采样率

    • 所有通道上 2.5k 点记录长度

    • 高级触发,包括脉冲和行选视频触发

    • 7 英寸 WVGA (800X480) 有源 TFT 彩色显示器

    • 34 种自动测量

    • 双窗口 FFT,同时监测时域和频域

    • 内置波形极限测试和 TrendPlot™ 测试

    • 双通道频率计数器

    • 缩放功能

    • 自动扩展数据记录功能

    • 自动设置和自动量程功能

    • 内置上下文相关帮助

    • 多种语言的用户界面

    • 体积小、重量轻 – 深仅 4.9 英寸 (124 mm),重仅 4.4磅 (2 kg)

    • 前面板上 USB 2.0 主控端口,快速方便地存储数据

    • 后面板上 USB 2.0 设备端口,方便地连接 PC


    为正确分析信号,必需确保能够足够详细地看到信号。 TBS1000B 标配 7 英寸高清 TFT 显示器,可以清楚地查看所有信号及关键屏幕信息。 屡获大奖的泰克 MDO/DPO 系列仪器开创的用户界面,则进一步增强了这一仪器。 用户界面使用方便,可以快速进入所有示波器功能,包括高清"Pan & Zoom"(卷动和缩放)功能,其分辨率可达正常分辨率的10倍,可以查看更多的信号细节。


    由于高达 200 MHz 的带宽、2 GS/s 的采样率和 3% 的垂直测量精度,TBS1000B 可以查看信号细节。 由于泰克专有的采样率,您可以一直在所有通道上,不折不扣地获得声称的实时采样率,支持 10 倍过采样率。 在改变水平设置或使用多条通道时,采样性能不会下降,您可以查看信号的真实特点。


    TBS1000B 示波器标配各种高级触发功能,用来调试当今复杂电路。 灵活的选项采用上升沿或下降沿、脉宽和视频触发设置,用户可以迅速隔离关心的信号。

    一旦捕获信号,TBS1000B 提供了高级数学运算和测量功能,可以简便地评估信号质量。 用户可以加、减、乘多个波形,或使用 34 种自动测量中的任何一种测量,迅速可靠地计算重要的信号特点,如频率、上升时间或过冲。

    专用前面板按钮可以迅速进入 FFT 功能,能够同时显示频域波形和时域波形,为查看信号与 FFT 结果之间的关系提供了一种方便的方式。

    为准确地进行频率测量,TBS1000B 还标配内置双通道频率计数器。 独立控制每个计数器的触发电平,为同时监测两个不同的信号频率提供了一种简便的方式。


    间歇性问题可能很难评估,因为它们不会经常重复,因此很难捕获。 TrendPlot™ 功能在长时间周期内绘制测量值,帮助找到这些问题。 选择在任意一条通道或两条通道上要捕获的测量,然后设置示波器,连续监测这些测量,在显示画面上绘制数据,同时把信息保存到 U 盘中。 视不同的示波器设置,您将能够捕获几分钟、几小时、甚至几天的数据,的限制是 U 盘的容量。

    通常来说,只需要通过/失败数据,就能确定信号是不是好。 TBS1000B 极限测试功能可以方便地完成这一操作。 示波器可以设置成自动监测源信号,评估采集的波形是否落在预先定义的边界内,输出通过或失败结果。 TBS1000B 极限测试功能允许用户根据一个或两个独立的参考波形创建模板,在为复杂信号创建模板时,提供了更大的灵活性。 如果检测到故障,可以触发一系列特定动作,包括停止采集波形、暂停极限测试功能、保存失败的波形截图、或上述动作的任意组合。


    前面板上的 USB 主控端口可以把仪器设置、截图和波形数据保存到 U 盘上。 这个端口还支持内置数据记录功能,您可以设置示波器,把最长 24 小时的用户触发波形保存到 USB 设备。 您还可以选择“Infinite”选项,连续监测波形。 在无穷大模式下,您可以把触发的波形保存到外部 USB 存储设备上,没有时间长度限制,直到存储设备装满。 然后,示波器将引导您插入另一个 USB 存储设备,继续保存波形。


    TBS1000B 系列示波器拥有您预期泰克提供的简便易用性和熟悉的操作。




    内置帮助菜单为您提供与示波器的特性和功能有关的重要信息。 提供的帮助语言与用户界面相同。

  • View signal details

    In order to analyze the signal correctly, it is necessary to ensure that the signal can be seen in sufficient detail Tbs1000b is equipped with 7-inch high-definition TFT display as standard, which can clearly view all signals and key screen information The user interface created by the award-winning MDO / DPO series instrument further enhances this instrument The user interface is easy to use and can quickly access all oscilloscope functions, including HD "Pan & zoom" (scrolling and zooming) function. Its resolution can be up to 10 times of the normal resolution and more signal details can be viewed.

    Digital accuracy

    Due to the bandwidth of up to 200 MHz, the maximum sampling rate of 2 gs / s and the vertical measurement accuracy of 3%, tbs1000b can view the signal details Thanks to Tektronix's proprietary sampling rate, you can always get the claimed real-time sampling rate on all channels, supporting a minimum of 10 times the oversampling rate When changing the level setting or using multiple channels, the sampling performance will not decrease, you can see the real characteristics of the signal.

    Provide key tools for debugging devices

    Tbs1000b oscilloscope is equipped with various advanced trigger functions as standard, which is used to debug today's complex circuits The flexible options include rising edge or falling edge, pulse width and video trigger settings. Users can quickly isolate the concerned signals.

    Once the signal is captured, tbs1000b provides advanced mathematical operation and measurement functions, which can easily evaluate the signal quality Users can add, subtract, multiply multiple waveforms, or use any of 34 kinds of automatic measurement to calculate important signal characteristics quickly and reliably, such as frequency, rise time or overshoot.

    The special front panel button can quickly enter the FFT function, and can display the frequency-domain waveform and time-domain waveform at the same time, which provides a convenient way to view the relationship between the signal and the FFT results.

    In order to measure frequency accurately, tbs1000b is equipped with built-in dual channel frequency counter as standard Controlling the trigger level of each counter independently provides a simple way to monitor two different signal frequencies at the same time.

    Comprehensive monitoring and analysis tools

    Intermittent problems can be difficult to assess because they do not repeat frequently and are therefore difficult to capture The trendplot? Function plots measurements over a long period of time to help find these problems Select the measurements to be captured on any channel or two channels, then set up an oscilloscope to continuously monitor these measurements, draw data on the display screen, and save the information to the U disk. Depending on the oscilloscope settings, you will be able to capture data for a few minutes, hours, or even days. The only limitation is the capacity of the U disk.

    Generally speaking, it only needs to pass / fail data to determine whether the signal is good or not Tbs1000b limit test function can easily complete this operation The oscilloscope can be set to automatically monitor the source signal, evaluate whether the collected waveform falls within the predefined boundary, and output the pass or fail results The tbs1000b limit test function allows users to create templates based on one or two independent reference waveforms, providing greater flexibility when creating templates for complex signals If a fault is detected, a series of specific actions can be triggered, including stopping the acquisition of waveform, suspending the limit test function, saving the failed waveform screenshot, or any combination of the above actions.

    Flexible data transfer

    The USB main control port on the front panel can save the instrument settings, screenshots and waveform data to the U disk This port also supports the built-in data recording function. You can set the oscilloscope to save the trigger waveform specified by the user for up to 24 hours to the USB device You can also select the "infinite" option to continuously monitor the waveform In infinity mode, you can save the triggered waveform to an external USB storage device without time limit until the storage device is full Then, the oscilloscope will guide you to insert another USB storage device and continue to save the waveform.

    Professional design makes your work easier

    Tbs1000b series oscilloscope has the convenience and familiar operation that you expect from Tektronix.

    Intuitive operation

    The intuitive user interface is equipped with the functions of vertical control, automatic setting and automatic measuring range for each channel, which makes these instruments simple and easy to use, so as to shorten the learning time and improve the working efficiency

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