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  • Proximity Mark 阀位开关变送器 QV系列

Proximity Mark 阀位开关变送器 QV系列

  • 型号
  • 品牌
  • 所在地西安市
  • 更新时间2023-05-07
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 入驻年限1
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量1276
  • 人气值1272

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Proximity Mark 阀位开关变送器 QV系列 产品详情

Proximity Mark 阀位开关变送器 QV系列 The  Proximity Mark Series is a line of position indicators with a selection of various output options. Four model styles make up the Mark series to cover almost any application. Standard models in the Mark Series have visual position indicators and are weatherproof, explosion-proof, and submersible. A large variety of outputs are available to fit specific applications. There is a choice of 1 to 6 switch outputs of 14 varieties including inductive sensors, high temperature switches, gold contact switches, hermetically sealed switches, and high current switches. Besides the switch outputs, the Series offers potentiometer outputs, transmitters, and HART® Communications. The units are purchased for either direct drive applications, such as rotary valves, or lever drive applications, such as linear valves. Adjustable visual indicator is standard on direct drive units that displays OPEN/CLOSED status and degrees.

Product Rating:Weatherproof and flameproof. NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 3S, 4, 4X, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13. UL rated: Class I, Div. 1 & 2, Groups B, C, D (some units available for Group A, consult factory); Class II, Div. 1 & 2, Groups E, F, and G. CSA rated: Class I, Div. 1 & 2, Groups A, B, C, D; Class II, Div. 1 & 2, Groups E, F, and G; Submersible to 50 feet. Certified Ex d IIC T6 IP68 15 meters). ATEX Compliant: -B suffix, directive 2014/34/EU, KEMA 03 ATEX 2391, II 2 G Ex d IIC T6 for (-25/-40/-50°C = Tamb = 80°C optional wording) depending on output and switch type selected. -IS suffix directive 2014/34/EU, KEMA 03 ATEX 1392X, II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4. (Switch type C is not available with ATEX; Switch type B is not available with ATEX intrinsically safe, -IS suffix). IECEx Compliant: IE suffix, IECEx DEK II.0056X Ex d IIC T6 Gb for -25°C/-40°C/-50°C = Tamb = 70°C and T5 for -25°C/-40°C/-50°C = Tamb = 80°C. II suffix, IECEx DEK II.0061X II Ex ia IIC T4 Ga. Compliant per EN 60079-0:2007 EN 60079-11:2006 and EN 60079-26:2006.

Potentiometer (Mark 1, 3 and 4)

Accuracy:±0.5% of full span. Optional ±0.25% of full span.

Temperature Limits:-40 to 176°F (-40 to 80°C). [ATEX flameproof, -B suffix, rated -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F) for switch type A, G, M, O, R, S, T, V, or W; -25 to 80°C (-13 to 176°F) for switch type B, D, or I; ATEX intrinsically safe, -IS suffix, rated -25 to 40°C (-13 to 104°F) for switch type I; -40 to 40°C (-40 to 104°F) for switch type O, R, S, V, or W].

Power Rating:1.5 watt maximum.

Output Signal:1000Ω standard. Optional 2000, 5000, 10000, or 20000 Ω.

Zero and Span Adjustments:Span trim pot with 2000Ω adjustment. No zero adjustment.

Rotational Travel:Mark 1 and 4: Minimum 0°, Maximum 340°; Mark 3: 0 to 10 revolutions.

Transmitter (Mark 1, 3 and 4)

Accuracy:±0.5% of full span. Optional ±0.25% of full span.

Temperature Limits:-40 to 176°F (-40 to 80°C). [ATEX flameproof, -B suffix, rated -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F) for switch type A, G, M, O, R, S, T, V, or W; -25 to 80°C (-13 to 176°F) for switch type B, D, or I; ATEX intrinsically safe, -IS suffix, rated -25 to 40°C (-13 to 104°F) for switch type I; -40 to 40°C (-40 to 104°F) for switch type O, R, S, V, or W].

Power Requirements:5 to 30 VDC.

Current Consumption:50 mA.

Output Signal:4 to 20 mA.

Zero and Span Adjustments:Trim pots for adjusting both. Mark 1 and 4: Span is adjustable from 50 to 300°; Mark 3: Span is adjustable from 1.5 to 8.5 revolutions.

Conduit Connection:3/4" female NPT standard. Optional one or two 1/2" female NPT. M25 X 1.5 and M20 X 1.5 optional.

Rotational Travel:Mark 1 and 4: Minimum 50°, Maximum 300°; Mark 3: Minimum: 1.5 revolutions, Maximum: 8.5 revolutions.

Transmitter w/HART® (Mark 1, 3 and 4)

Accuracy:±0.25% of full span.

Temperature Limits:-40 to 176°F (-40 to 80°C). [ATEX flameproof, -B suffix, rated -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F) for switch type A, G, M, O, R, S, T, V, or W; -25 to 80°C (-13 to 176°F) for switch type B, D, or I].

Power Requirements:8 to 30 VDC.

Current Consumption:21 mA.

Output Signal:4 to 20 mA.

HART® Receive Impedance:Rx = 500 kohm; Cx = 2500 pF.

Zero and Span Adjustments:Pushbuttons or HART® master for setting both. Mark 1 and 4: Span is adjustable from 0 to 330°; Mark 3: Span is adjustable from 1.5 to 8.5 revolutions.

Conduit Connection:3/4" female NPT standard. Optional one or two 1/2" female NPT. M25 and M20 optional.

Rotational Travel:Mark 1 and 4: Maximum 330°; Mark 3: Minimum: 1.5 revolutions, Maximum: 8.5 revolutions.

Model Description
12AD0 2 switches, SPDT snap, 15A @ 125/250/480 VAC, 1/8 hp @ 125 VAC, direct drive with stainless steel visual indicator, aluminum, painted black.
12AD1 2 switches, SPDT snap, 15A @ 125/250/480 VAC, 1/8 hp @ 125 VAC, direct drive with stainless steel visual indicator, aluminum, painted white epoxy with SS trim.
12AL0 2 switches, SPDT snap, 15A @ 125/250/480 VAC, 1/8 hp @ 125 VAC, lever drive, no visual indicator, aluminum, painted black.
12VD0-J1 2 switches, SPDT snap, 10A @ 125/250 VAC, 1/3 hp @ 125/250 VAC, direct drive with stainless steel visual indicator, aluminum, painted black, with junction package.
14AD0 4 switches, SPDT snap, 15A @ 125/250/480 VAC, 1/8 hp @ 125 VAC, direct drive with stainless steel visual indicator, aluminum, painted black.
14AD1 4 switches, SPDT snap, 15A @ 125/250/480 VAC, 1/8 hp @ 125 VAC, direct drive with stainless steel visual indicator, aluminum, painted white epoxy with SS trim.
14VD0-J1 4 switches, SPDT snap, 10A @ 125/250 VAC, 1/3 hp @ 125/250 VAC, direct drive with stainless steel visual indicator, aluminum, painted black, with junction package.
15VD0 4-20 mA transmitter, SPDT snap, 10A @ 125/250 VAC, 1/3 hp @ 125/150 VAC, direct drive with stainless steel visual indicator, aluminum, painted black.
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