Nanjing Difute Information Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2009. It is a science and technology service enterprise for water conservancy, hydrology, water environment,hydro surveying and mapping. At the same time, our enterprise is also a related software and hardware sales enterprise. "Focusing on water" is the development concept that our company has always been.
The company is currently selling products mainly include: Laboratory / field water analysis instrume, online water monitoring instrument, Water velocity measurement equipment ( include ADCP, Ultrasonic flow measuring systems, Radar velocity meter, Electromagnetic flow meter, Mechanical flow meter), automatic weather station, buoy, sediment measurement equipment,Water sampling equipment, Soil analysis instrument, Surveying and mapping instrument ( include Geodetic and marine surveying and mapping), automatic measurement platform (UAV, USV,ROV), groundwater monitoring equipment etc..
The company takes the service customer as the first existence idea, brings the value for the customer, and grows up with the customer.
产品名称 | 参考价 | 地区 | 公司名称 | 更新时间 | |
在线总氮水质分析仪 | 面议 | 上海市 | 上海博取仪器有限公司 | 2024-09-13 | 在线询价 |
水质多参数分析仪功能 | ¥4400 | 青岛市 | 青岛聚创环保集团有限公司 | 2024-06-18 | 在线询价 |
水质重金属自动分析检测仪 | ¥99999 | 宿迁市 | 江苏凌恒环境科技有限公司 | 2024-07-11 | 在线询价 |
游泳池多参数水质分析仪 | 面议 | 常州市 | 常州金坛泰纳仪器厂 | 2024-08-30 | 在线询价 |
赛默飞多功能水质分析仪应用 | 面议 | 北京市 | 赛默飞色谱及痕量元素分析 | 2024-10-25 | 在线询价 |
土壤分析仪,水质检测 | 面议 | 淮安市 | 江苏卓迈仪表有限公司 | 2024-03-04 | 在线询价 |
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