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  • large-capacity centrifuge

SG-852-type large-capacity centrifuge

  • 型号SG-852-typ
  • 品牌
  • 所在地上海
  • 更新时间2023-08-09
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 入驻年限17
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量537
  • 人气值590

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上海硕光电子科技有限公司是具有现代化的大型研发生产基地,集研发、生产、销售为一体的规模化*。公司紧紧依托各大院校和科研院所,技术力量雄厚。产品全国各地并出口东南亚国家,受到客户的*好评。本公司以*的品质、*的信誉、完善的售后服务立足市场。以开拓创新、务实进取的企业宗旨,本着客户就是上帝的经营理念,服务于国内外高校、医药、化工、环保等科研实验机构。上海硕光电子科技有限公司也专业代理欧、美、日*进口科学仪器,国产优秀仪器,实验室家具及相关消耗品,专业涉及化工轻工、电子、医学制药、食品、纺织、涂料、日用化学、化妆品及生命科学,在国内具有广泛的客户基础和良好的商业信誉。 上海硕光电子科技有限公司代理的产品多为世界*品牌。主要产品为通用实验设备、 化工轻工仪器 、电子、农业食品相关仪器、生命科学仪器、理化分析仪器、微生物仪器、消耗品及试剂。  上海硕光电子科技有限公司经过多年的发展,已经在同行业中确立了多方面的*地位,无论在公司规模、人员素质、经营品种、销售能力和售后服务等各方面获得了同行及用户的广泛认可。本公司愿与社会各界竭诚合作,携手共同发展。热忱欢迎新老客户莅临我公司洽谈指导。

SG-852-type large-capacity centrifuge is the company according to the user experience,Carefully design and development of a new generation of centrifuges products
large-capacity centrifuge 产品详情

Product Introduction:
SG-852-type large-capacity centrifuge is  the company  according to the user experience,Carefully design and development of a new generation of centrifuges products, and compared to similar products with higher quality advantage:apply to the hospital laboratory, biochemistry laboratory for qualitative analysis, for plasma, serum, urea, and vaccine manufacturing use. is applicable to all types of laboratory samples of high-capacity centrifugal precision laboratory instruments.
Product features:
1, outstanding performance: micro-computer control, frequency control DC, brushless DC motor without carbon powder pollution;
2, simple: touch panel, digital display, intuitive and reliable;
3, high-capacity multi-rotor, the user easily select
Technical data:
Maximum speed: 5000r/min
1 rotor: 4 * 100ml
No. 2 rotor: 8 * 50ml
No. 3 rotor: 28 * 10ml
Motor: Brushless DC Motor
Timing range: 0-99min

Handling Precautions
Work in a high speed centrifuge, used to safety and to ensure that the equipment to maintain high precision work, we must do the following:
1.Centrifuges used to be placed in a smooth, strong on the counter; large-capacity high-speed low-speed centrifuge and refrigerated centrifuge to be placed accordingly on the ground in a solid, level place. Centrifuge work done, the load balancing, weight error as small as possible, otherwise it will cause severe vibration, and shaft damage turned centrifuge.
2.Centrifuge starts, switch knob should be on the low speed position, start and then gradually adjust to the desired value. A work, shall knob again transferred to low-bit work, at high speed block ban on direct start.
3.Rotor in the strict inspection before each use if a foreign body and the dirt hole, in order to maintain balance. Turned around and must be kept dry and clean, do not impact abrasion. Such as accidentally dropped, turned to X-ray film should check that no internal injury can continue to use. Turned after each use with warm water (50 Degrees - 60 Degrees) and neutral detergent immersion cleaning, and finally with distilled or deionized water rinse, soft cloth after drying with hair dryer, wax, dry place.
4.Pull all kinds of tube length, strength and stretch are different, should the need to use, the tube can be made of many different materials, such as polyethylene, cellulose, polycarbonates, polypropylene. Use care to ensure the sample, non-corrosive materials, solvent and gradient centrifuge tube and cap components. Expired, the aging, there are cracks or corrosion of the tube by minimizing or spin-down use. Control the use of plastic tube number, pay attention to standard matching. Centrifugal process may open the centrifuge lid, not by hand or foreign body collisions are turned and the rotation of the centrifuge tube.
5. To ensure safety, be sure to use ground wire
6.In the centrifuge process, such as abnormal phenomena, such as the noise and vibration is not normal, should immediay stop checks, not to find reasons not to continue to operate .
7.Daily use of centrifuges in the process, every three months the level of response to host a degree of correction for each transfer using 500 million deal with a vacuum pump oil, working 500h should check drive motor carbon brush, preferably with a vacuum cleaner to friction toner remove, if necessary, to replace carbon brushes or commutator with fine sandpaper polish。Should be cleaned about every driver using the 1500h site with high-speed bearings and grease shaft and turned rust-proof joint of fat should be kept painted, do not be long-term anti-rust oil coating oil paper wrap. When not in use should be switched each month low 1 or 2 times, each time 0.5h, to ensure the normal operation of the site.
8. Be sure to place the centrifuge tube placed symmetrically, and to keep the weight fairly. Things in the open centrifuge to centrifuge lid.
9. Centrifugal liquid should not be too low boiling point,Should pay attention to internal and external pressure ratio.If it is toxic reagents, but also good ventilation treatment.

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