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  • 网络分析仪Agilent 8711B

网络分析仪Agilent 8711B

  • 型号
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新时间2023-08-20
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 入驻年限1
  • 产品数量327
  • 人气值229

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深圳市安吉伦电子仪器有限公司(中国台湾奥斯达电子仪器有限公司)成立于1996年,在大陆以连锁公司形式进行国内外仪器仪表代理销售、二手仪器*销售等。   是中国台湾奥斯达电子仪器深圳*批发及直销点,中国台湾奥斯达电子仪器致力于电子制造业测试岭域的全面性配套解决方案,在同行中一直享誉测试领域的导航者。   中国台湾奥斯达电子仪器有限公司经过多年的不断创新,专业与高效的商务处理中心,更凭借产品价格优势、品质优势、技术优势,多方面取得瞩目的成就。今天的深圳市银通电子仪器已在国内外享有*的度,已经成为国内外*有影响力的仪器厂家及仪器仪表代理销售公司之一。
Agilent 8711B8712B,300 kHz to 1.3 GHzAgilent 8713B8714B,300 kHz to 3 GHzRF Economy Network AnalyzersConfiguration Guide
网络分析仪Agilent 8711B 产品详情

网络分析仪Agilent 8711B

Agilent 8711B8712B,
300 kHz to 1.3 GHz
Agilent 8713B8714B,
300 kHz to 3 GHz
RF Economy Network Analyzers
Configuration Guide
300 kHz to 1.3 GHz
? Agilent 8712B vector network analyzer,
300 kHz to 1.3 GHz
? Agilent 8713B scalar network analyzer,
300 kHz to 3 GHz
?Agilent 8714B vector network analyzer,
300 kHz to 3 GHz
? 75 ohms system impedance, Option 1EC
Converts to 75 ohm system impedancesubstitutes
75 ohm Type-N connectors. Substitutes
75 ohm test port cabledemonstration filter.
Use with 75 ohm calibration kitsaccessories.
? AM delay for 50 ohm systems, Option 1DA
? AM delay for 75 ohm systems, Option 1DB
Option 1EC must also be ordered with 75 ohm
systems Adds amplitude modulation group
delay capability to measure group delay in
frequency-translation devices such as tuners
and receivers. Includes two external broadband
detectorsa power splitter. Not recommended
for devices with limiting circuits, saturated
amplifiers or automatic gain control. For nonfrequency
translation devices the vector network
analyzers 8712B or 8714B offer lower noise and
better accuracy when measuring group delay.
? HP Instrument BASIC IBASIC
Option 1C2 IBASIC is a subset of BASIC for
creatingexecuting test programs inside the
network analyzer, including keystroke capture
and one-button macros, without the need for an
external controller. Includes Instrument BASIC
User’s Handbook part number 08712-90005
and IBASIC example program disk part number
? Option 100 fault locationstructural return loss
Full cable characterization in one package. Fault
location includes convenience features unavailable
in TDRs, including multi-bump, cable calibration,
and cable loss measurements. Structural return
loss, which is the return loss resulting from
many small, equally spaced discontinuities, is
easilyaccuray measured. A user manual
and instructional video tape are included.
Agilent 8711B8712B,
300 kHz to 1.3 GHz
Agilent 8713B8714B,
300 kHz to 3 GHz
RF Economy Network Analyzers
Configuration Guide
? 60 dB step attenuator, Option 1E1
Extends output power range down to –60 dBm.
? Extra 50 ohm cableType-N f-f adapter, Option AFN
? Extra 75 ohm cableType-N f-f adapter, Option AFP
? Option AF4
This option deletes the Type-N cablesubstitutes
two N-to-BNC adaptersa BNC cable.
? Keyboard, Option 1CL
Adds mini-DIN interface keyboard part number
C1405B, Option ABA, cable,mini-DIN to
DIN adapter part number C1405-60015 to
enhance IBASIC editinginstrument control
capability. Keyboard overlay part number
08712-80004 is supplied with every instrument.
? Rack mount kit, Option 1CM
? Performance test software, Option 1FP
Special Options
Special options are available for unique applications.
Examples include multiportreversing
test sets. Contact your Agilent representative for
more information.
? Deletes manual set, Option 0B0
? Deletes service guide, Option AVB
? Deletes programming guide, Option AV7
? Adds Agilent 8711B, 8713B manual set, Option 0B1;
Also available as part number 08713-90001.
? Adds Agilent 8712B, 8714B manual set, Option 0B1;
Also available as part number 08712-90001.
Localization Options
These options provide a localized user’s guide at
no extra charge. They include information on
installation, instrument functions, optimized measurements,
and calibration.
? Taiwanese User’s Guide, Option AB0;
Also available as part number 08712-90012.
? Korean User’s Guide, Option AB1;
Also available as part number 08712-90014.
? Chinese User’s Guide, Option AB2;
Also available as part number 08712-90015.
? German User’s Guide, Option ABD;
Also available as part number 08712-90010.
? Spanish User’s Guide, Option ABE;
Also available as part number 08712-90017.
? French User’s Guide, Option ABF;
Also available as part number 08712-90009.
? Japanese User’s Guide, Option ABJ;
Also available as part number 08712-90008.
? Italian User’s Guide, Option ABZ;
Also available as part number 08712-90011.
One-year on-site service warranty is standard at no
extra charge. Where on-site service is not available,
one-year return-to-Agilent service is provided.
Customers may convert the standard one-year
on-site warranty to a three-year return-to-Agilent
warranty at the time of purchase.
? Converts one-year on-site warranty to three-year
return-to-Agilent warranty, Option W08
? Two additional years of on-site service, Option W31
Total of 3 years on-site support where available;
not available with Option W08.
? Four additional years of on-site service, Option W51
Total of 5 years on-site support where available;
not available with Option W08.
? Commercial calibration certificate with test data,
Option UK6
Can be ordered at time of original purchase.
Measurement Accessories
Accessories are available in these connector types:
3.5 mm, 50 ohm Type-N, BNC, 75 ohm Type-N, and
Type-F. A calibration kit to improve measurement
accuracy is recommended for each type of connector
being measured. A complete line of RF accessories
can be found in the Agilent Microwave Accessories
Catalog, literature number 5091-4269E.
50 Ohm Accessories
? Type-N precision calibration kit, Agilent 85032B
50 ohm Type-N kit includes fixed terminations,
open circuits,short circuits in both connector
sexes. Recommend deleting the two phasematched
7 mm to Type-N adapters for both connector
sexes femalemale.
? Option 001
Deletes 7 mm to Type-N phase-matched adapters
? Type-N economy calibration kit, Agilent 85032E
Standards include fixed terminationopencircuit/
short-circuit combination in Type-N m only.
? 3.5 mm precision calibration kit, Agilent 85033D
50 ohm 3.5 mm calibration standards for devices
with 3.5 mmSMA connectors. Includes
fixed terminations, open circuitsshort circuits
in both sexes. Includes two pair of phasematched
7 mm to 3.5 mm adapters for both
sexes. Recommend deleting 7 mm adapters and
ordering 11878A Type-N to 3.5 mm adapter kit.

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