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  • Fluke 710 阀门测试仪

Fluke 710 Fluke 710 阀门测试仪

  • 型号Fluke710
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新时间2023-12-07
  • 厂商性质其他
  • 入驻年限1
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量1495
  • 人气值1839

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深圳市世家仪器有限公司是国内仪器仪表行业中的产品代理商、系统集成商、综合服务商之一。本公司建立了覆盖华北、东北、华东,完善的销售和服务网络。世家仪器主要经营的品牌有Keysight安捷伦、美国泰克Tektronix、美国福禄克Fluke、吉时利 **等众多仪器品牌。主要销售信号发生器、LCR测试仪、示波器、电源、频率计、功率计、音频分析仪等高频仪器仪表。其客户遍及高等院校、科研院所、电子制造业等行业。能够根据客户的使用需求,为客户提供各种针对行业应用的完整测试解决方案,同时可以为国内客户提供国际通行的电子测试仪器租赁解决方案。世家仪器已成为集电子仪器销售、维修、租赁为一体的综合服务商。世家仪器伦秉承“诚信,用户至上”的原则,以科技铸就品牌、以品质开拓市场的理念,竭诚为海内外客户提供优质的服务。为客户提供“更经济丰富的产品选择、更有效全面的专业服务”。世家仪器伦秉承“诚信,用户至上”的原则,以科技铸就品牌、以品质开拓市场的理念,竭诚为海内外客户提供优质的服务。为客户提供“更经济丰富的产品选择、更有效全面的专业服务”。
关键阀门测试功能包括预配置阀门特征测试、速度测试、步进测试、手动测试以及碰撞和部分行程测试关键的阀门测试仪功能包括 mA 源、mA 模拟、mA 读取、mA 读取/回路电源及电压读取ValveTrack™ 软件能够上传至 PC 以进一步深入分析记录并保存至 710 存储器的阀门测量数据
Fluke 710 阀门测试仪 产品详情

  • Product Overview: Fluke 710 Valve Tester

    Now, intelligent control valve testing is much easier than before.

    Fluke 710 Valve Tester is designed to enable users to test HART intelligent control valves quickly and easily. 710 has built-in test flow and intuitive user interface, which enables users to test valves quickly and easily. At the same time, the quick test results of valves can provide a clear diagnosis result and help you make maintenance decisions faster than before. Rapid inspection results of valve condition can let users know whether the valve is in good, critical or bad operation, so that you can quickly determine whether additional maintenance is required.

    Valve tester is equipped with valve testing and HART communication functions.

    With the built-in HART communication function of 710 valve tester, users can output 4-20 mA signal to make the intelligent control valve move. At the same time, they can also analyze the HART feedback signal of the valve to determine whether the valve moves to the desired position. In addition to location information, HART communication protocol can also be used to determine the measurement pressure of I/P (for valve) output inside the valve.

    710 has built-in testing process, which can automatically increase and change the mA signal, monitor the position of HART and pressure feedback from the control valve. Just press the button, you can fully understand the overall status of the valve.

    Pre-configured Valve Testing and Clear Diagnostic Results

    710 built-in valve test procedures include:

    Manual test; Manual change of mA signal and view HART position and pressure parameter information

    The full range slope characteristics of the mA signal (4-20-4 mA) are recorded and the position of 0-100-0% or the pressure exerted by moving the valve from 0-100-0% is recorded.

    Step by step the mA signal at the input end to the valve and evaluate the response of the valve to the change of mA input.

    Speed test can determine the opening or closing speed of the valve

    Collision and partial stroke testing can help test valves within a certain range for testing in actual working conditions.

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