

  • 合成信号发生器


  • 型号
  • 品牌
  • 所在地深圳市
  • 更新时间2024-02-08
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 入驻年限1
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量384
  • 人气值213

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深圳市鑫成通电子有限公司是创意电子工程香港有限公司设立在深圳的分公司,以生产、经贸相结合,为广大客户提供试测量仪器仪表的大型综合性企业。工厂设立在电子工业发达的东莞清溪镇,在香港设立开发部及国外联络处。公司自一九八九年成立以来都以服务快、价钱适中、品质稳定见称。多年来都以生产收录机、音响、无线电话生产线所需仪器为目标,广为大部份厂家乐于使用。为了更好地服务于大众,在深圳成立分公司,负责周边地区的销售及售后技术支持及维修服务。凡是购买我厂生产的仪器提供二年免费保修人为原因损坏视情况而定。 我公司可以专门为生产带收音功能产品的厂家提供生产线测试系统及新旧生产线的改装工程,为专业生产电波时钟的厂家提供全套测试设备。 办公大楼 为了更好地服务于广大客户,我们在销售的同时也为大家提供国内外各种高低档仪器仪表的维修、计量检测等相关服务! ::::服务宗旨::::以人为本、以客为尊,致力于在电子测试领域打造全新理念,不断更新产品,为新老客户提供优质、快捷、*的电子测量设备及测试系统方案,以赢得更多客户的信赖和支持! ::::专业生产::::收音机测试系统设备、电波时计测试系统设备、电源、高频屏蔽网房等; 办公室一角 ::::专业代理::::示波器、信号源、频谱仪、音视频分析仪、LCR电桥、环境试验设备高低温温热试验箱、盐雾箱等、振动试验设备、功率计、综测仪、安规测量仪器、万用表、等国内外各种仪器仪表!
合成信号发生器 产品详情

深圳市鑫成通电子有限公司优价提供合成信号发生器MG3690B,The MG3690B is a broadband high performance signal generator that covers RF and microwave frequencies from 0.1 Hz to 65 GHz (operational to 67 GHz) in a single instrument. For mmW frequencies, the MG3690B's coverage can be extended up to 325 GHz or beyond, with external multipliers.

The MG3690B is a broadband high performance signal generator that covers RF and microwave frequencies from 0.1 Hz to 65 GHz (operational to 67 GHz) in a single instrument. For mmW frequencies, the MG3690B's coverage can be extended up to 325 GHz or beyond, with external multipliers.

The MG3690B replaces the original MG3690A, offering higher output power and faster frequency switching speed. Whether you have a requirement for a high power local Oscillator that can deliver up to a half watt typically at 20 GHz, or you want to decrease the test time of an ATE station by greater than two folds, the MG3690B will exceed your expectations. The MG3690B preserves full backward compatibility with the MG3690A and previous 68C/69B series of Synthesizers.

The MG3690B family is extremely configurable to meet your exact need, minimizing your initial investment. It is also very adaptable with a comprehensive list of upgrades for your future needs. Furthermore, since the MG3690B can be customized for specific applications, please do not hesitate to call 1-800-ANRITSU with your special hardware of firmware request. The MG3690B is backed with a complete 3-year warranty, which comes as a standard feature.

The MG3690B offers all the capabilities of a high-end microwave generator at the highest performance level. It leverages the technology-leading phase noise performance of its predecessor, the 69C series. It offers outstanding output power with the lowest spectral purity content. Frequency can be swept digitally or via an analog ramp sweep. A CW frequency could be phase offset or locked within an external phase lock loop. Amplitude, Frequency, Phase, and Pulse modulations are available externally or internally-driven. An external software package simplifies the use of these modulations simultaneously, and allows the down-loading of user-defined modulation waveforms. For IQ modulation, the IF input option allows the easy up-conversion of an externally IQ-modulated RF signal.

6 frequency models MG3691B 2 to 10 GHz
MG3692B 2 to 20 GHz
MG3693B 2 to 30 GHz
MG3694B 2 to 40 GHz
MG3695B 2 to 50 GHz
MG3696B 2 to 65 GHz*
* Operational to 67 GHz

Frequency coverage options 10 MHz to 2 GHz coverage opt. 5
10 MHz to 2 GHz coverage, low phase noise opt. 4
0.1 Hz to 10 MHz, for audio frequencies opt. 22
mmW multiplier bias opt. 18

Performance enhancing options Ultra-low phase noise, >2 GHz opt. 3
High Power Output opt. 15
High stability opt. 16

Added capabilities options Mechanical and electronic step attenuators opt. 2
Analog Sweep opt. 6
IF Input opt. 7
Power Monitor opt. 8
User-Defined Modulation Waveform Software opt. 10
FM/Phase Modulation (ext.) opt. 12
Pulse Modulation (ext.) opt. 13
AM (ext.) opt. 14
Scan Modulation opt. 20
LF Function Generator opt. 23
Pulse Generator opt. 24

Mechanical options Rack mount configurations opt. 1
Rear Panel RF output configuration opt. 9

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