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  • GDDR7 Memory Test System

Introspect GDDR7 Memory Test System




  • 型号Introspect
  • 品牌其他品牌
  • 所在地深圳市
  • 更新时间2024-03-29
  • 厂商性质代理商
  • 入驻年限1
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量78
  • 人气值56
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Introspect Technology Ships World’s First GDDR7 Memory Test System

GDDR7 Memory Test System:

Massively parallel, 72-channel, 40 Gbps PAM3 ATE-on-Bench test system enables the fastest time to marke
GDDR7 Memory Test System 产品详情

Introspect Technology Ships World’s First GDDR7 Memory Test System

GDDR7 Memory Test System

Massively parallel, 72-channel, 40 Gbps PAM3 ATE-on-Bench test system enables the fastest time to market for memory and GPU makers alike.

Montreal, Canada, March 27, 2024 — Introspect Technology, a JEDEC® member and a leading manufacturer of test and measurement instruments, announced today that it has shipped the M5512 GDDR7 Memory Test System, the world’s first commercial solution for testing JEDEC’s newly minted JESD239 Graphics Double Data Rate (GDDR7) SGRAM specification. This category-creating solution enables graphics memory engineers, GPU design engineers, product engineers in both memory and GPU spaces, and system integrators to rapidly bring up new GDDR7 memory devices, debug protocol errors, characterize signal integrity, and perform detailed memory read/write functional stress testing without requiring any other tool.

The GDDR7 specification is the latest industry standard that is aimed at the creation of high-bandwidth and high-capacity memory implementations for graphics processing, artificial intelligence (AI), and AI-intensive networking. Featuring pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) and an improved signal to noise ratio compared to other PAM4 standards used in networking, the GDDR7 PAM3 modulation technology achieves greater power-efficiency while significantly increasing data transmission bandwidth over constrained electrical channels.

“In its quest to support the industry on GDDR7 deployment, Introspect Technology has worked tirelessly in the last few years with JEDEC members to develop the M5512 GDDR7 Memory Test System,” said Dr. Mohamed Hafed, CEO at Introspect Technology. “Throughout our existence, we’ve thrived on creating unique test solutions for equally unique high-speed interface standards, and the GDDR7 standard is definitely unique! Introspect is thrilled to be part of the ecosystem supporting such a transformative technology,” he continued.

The M5512 GDDR7 Memory Test System is a bench-top test and measurement instrument that builds on Introspect Technology’s decades long experience in building high-performance and miniature test instruments. It contains 72 high-performance pins, each capable of operating at 40 Gbps in PAM3 mode. Each pin contains bidirectional circuitry for performing read and write operations, and each pin contains a full-suite of analog characterization features such as femto-second resolution skew injection, millivolt resolution voltage control, programmable jitter injection, and other eye margining features that are critical for AC characterization and conformance testing. The system also includes integrated device power supplies with precision power sequencing and ramping controls. This makes the M5512 an all-inclusive solution that can perform both AC characterization as well as memory functional stress testing on any GDDR7 device. Additionally, by leveraging the highly flexible Pinetree environment, the M5512 can be deployed for GDDR7 memory controller testing and memory PHY testing as well.

About Introspect Technology

Founded in 2012, Introspect Technology designs and manufactures innovative test and measurement equipment for high-speed digital applications. Whether it is the next augmented reality headset or the level-4 autonomy engine in a mobility solution, these award-winning tools are used to develop, test, and manufacture next-generation products. In short, Introspect Technology helps the leading global technology companies make tomorrow’s technology today’s possibility.

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