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  • 3051SA Smart absolute pressure transmitter

3051SA Smart absolute pressure transmitter

  • 型号
  • 品牌
  • 所在地上海市
  • 更新时间2018-05-15
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 入驻年限14
  • 产品数量112
  • 人气值7238
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The Hai Kener Automation Process Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd. is a high-tech cutting-edge product specifications enterprises. The main products are: intelligent control instruments, temperature meters, pressure meters, flow meters, level instruments, analytical instruments, calibration device, the executing agency and the regulator valve assembly automation systems.

         Technological transformation, expansion, new projects please contact us, our company will provide you with complete satisfaction of technical services. And can provide solutions to your design, equipment selection, complete supply, installation and commissioning of modern turn-key projects.

Load characteristics: no matter how the output, positive and negative transfer, its range, the lower limit shall not exceed the range limit.
3051SA Smart absolute pressure transmitter 产品详情

Use object: liquid, gas or vapor
Range: Range 4 0-2.0 ~ 37.4kPa (0-15 ~ 280mmHg) absolute pressure
Range 5 0-4.7 ~ 186.8kPa (0-0.7 ~ 26.9 psia) absolute pressure
Range 6 0-17.3 ~ 690kPa (0-2.5 ~ 99.4 psia) absolute pressure
Range 7 0-51.7 ~ 2068kPa (0-7.49 ~ 298 psia) absolute pressure
Range 8 0-172.3 ~ 6890kPa (0-24.98 ~ 992.2 psia) absolute pressure
Output signal: 4 ~ 20mA output signal superimposed digital HART ® protocol (two wire)
Power: External power supply 24V DC, (power range 12V ~ 45V)
Load: the maximum allowable load resistance circuit load resistance Rmax = (E-12) / 0.02 (Ω)
Hazardous Installation: Explosion dllCT6;
Intrinsically Safe iallCT6
Load characteristics: no matter how the output, positive and negative transfer, its range, the lower limit shall not exceed the range limit. The maximum being migrating to 0.975URL; No maximum negative transfer L.
Temperature Range: Medium Temperature -40 ~ 104 ℃
Storage temperature -40 ~ 85 ℃
Machine operating temperature -40 ~ 85 ℃
-20 ~ 70 ℃ (with digital meter);
Relative Humidity: 0 to
Overpressure limit: impose 0 (absolute pressure) ~ 13.78MPa pressure transmitter is not damaged; flange can withstand the pressure 68.9MPa; normal working pressure should be 0kP (absolute pressure) to the transmitter range limit.
The amount of volume change: less than 0.16cm3
Damping: time constant is adjustable in the 0.2 ~ 32.0s.
Start Time: 3s, without preheating.

Turndown ratio: 40:1
Accuracy: Range as 3,4,5
In the range of 1:1 to 10:1, in order to adjust the range of ± 0.15%
In the range of 10:1 to 40:1, in order to ± 0.075 (1 +0.1 URL / span)% range
Stability: six months maximum error of ± 0.2% range
Temperature effects: zero error for the maximum range of ± 0.25% / 55 ℃
Including range and zero of the total error for the maximum range of 0.5% / 55 ℃.
Overpressure effects: pressure 140kgf/cm2, the error range for the maximum range of ± 0.25%.
Power effect: less than the output range of 0.005% / V
Vibration: in any axis, the frequency of 200Hz, the maximum range error caused by the scope of ± 0.05% / g
Load effect: as long as the input transmitter voltage is higher than 12V, no load in the load of the work area.
Location of installation: a maximum of not more than 0.25 kPa produced a zero error, but can be corrected, no effect on the range; measure has no effect on body rotation relative to the flange.
Structural materials: isolation diaphragm and the exhaust / drain valve: 316 stainless steel, Hasloy C, Monel;
Flanges and fittings: 316 stainless steel, Hasloy C, Monel;
"O" ring (with the measurement of media exposure): fluorine rubber, Ding nitrile rubber, ethylene - propylene
Filling liquid: silicone oil;
Bolts: Carbon steel galvanized, 1Cr18Ni9, 0Cr17Ni4CuNb, 42CrMo;
Electrical Housing: Low copper aluminum alloy;
Coating: polyester resin.
Citation pressure connections: flange 1/4-18NPT (tapered tube thread);
Joint 1/2-14NPT (NPT).
Electrical connection: threaded end with 1/2-14NPT conduit and wiring terminals and supporting the test piece.
Weight: 3.5kg (not including options).

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