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  • KEWDB Wei Diba flowmeter

KEWDB Wei Diba flowmeter

  • 型号
  • 品牌
  • 所在地上海市
  • 更新时间2018-05-15
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 入驻年限14
  • 产品数量112
  • 人气值7241
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The Hai Kener Automation Process Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd. is a high-tech cutting-edge product specifications enterprises. The main products are: intelligent control instruments, temperature meters, pressure meters, flow meters, level instruments, analytical instruments, calibration device, the executing agency and the regulator valve assembly automation systems.

         Technological transformation, expansion, new projects please contact us, our company will provide you with complete satisfaction of technical services. And can provide solutions to your design, equipment selection, complete supply, installation and commissioning of modern turn-key projects.

KEWDB Wei Diba flowmeter is KENER the latest energy-efficient R & D flow measurement devices - Crystal Silicon Valley technology products - Plug-in KEWDB Wei Diba flow sensor.
KEWDB Wei Diba flowmeter 产品详情

First, the product principle

KEWDB Wei Diba flowmeter is KENER the latest energy-efficient R & D flow measurement devices - Crystal Silicon Valley technology products - Plug-in KEWDB Wei Diba flow sensor. When the fluid flow through the sensor in its front (facing the flow direction) to generate a high voltage distribution, in the following would generate a low pressure distribution.
Sensor in the high and low pressure areas are arranged according to certain criteria for taking pressure multi-hole (typically three pairs), respectively measure the fluid pressure on each point. In its front-end high point of the whole area is much more pressure measured average value of the pressure P1, in the area of ??low pressure to take more average static pressure P2. The P1, P2 introduction of differential pressure transmitter, measure pressure △ P = P1-P2. △ P reflects the roughness of fluid pressure, according to the Bernoulli principle, can calculate the fluid flow.
KEWDB Wei Diba flow cross-sectional shape of the probe, the surface roughness condition and location of the hole to take pressure low is a key factor in determining performance. Stable and accurate low-voltage signal accuracy and performance of the probe play a decisive role. KEWDB Wei Diba flow sensor to accuray detect the roughness generated by the fluid, the average differential pressure.
Second, the product advantages
(1) bullet shape of a special process, attempts to prevent the effects of significant
Slightly higher than the pressure of high pressure distribution pipeline of static pressure. Flow probe section shape, rough surface conditions and low pressure hole to take the probe is to determine the performance of the location of the key factors.
(2) Pipeline permanent pressure loss, low installation cost, maintenance-free
Large diameter of the orifice flow meter pressure loss is only 1 / 1000, energy consumption is only 1% of the orifice flowmeter, only orifice flowmeter welding of 1 / 30.
(3) installation and maintenance of online
KEWDB Wei Diba line installation and maintenance can be achieved, can not stop the state line to clean up the installation and maintenance of measurement.
(4) measuring a wide range of applications
Measure gas, liquid, steam and corrosive media and other fluids, to adapt to various sizes of pipe and rectangular pipe, used in high temperature and pressure of the occasion.
(5) high accuracy and range than large
Accuracy is generally ± 0.2 ~ ± 0.5%, repeatability ± 0.02%, range 10:1. Pipe connection type KEWDB Wei Diba special treatment process, the range can be large compared with 60:1. Temperature -180 ~ ± 1280 ℃. Process pressure up to 79 MPa. With anti-corrosion, explosion, blockades, simple installation, low energy consumption.

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