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  • F360 钳形表

F360 钳形表

  • 型号
  • 品牌
  • 所在地深圳市
  • 更新时间2018-05-14
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 入驻年限1
  • 产品数量498
  • 人气值1046


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福禄克360的泄漏检测仪是一种坚固耐用的和准确的解决方案 , 泄漏电流测量。 Ideally designed for non-invasive checks of insulation condition
F360 钳形表 产品详情
*技术资料: http://fluke.rongqe.cn/fujian/fluke360.html

福禄克360的泄漏检测仪是一种坚固耐用的和准确的解决方案 , 泄漏电流测量。 Ideally designed for non-invasive checks of insulation condition, the Fluke 360 leakage meter allows you to perform tests without powering down the installation or disconnecti

福禄克360的泄漏检测仪是一种坚固耐用的和准确的解决方案 , 泄漏电流测量。
Ideally designed for non-invasive checks of insulation condition, the Fluke 360 leakage meter allows you to perform tests without powering down the installation or disconnecting equipment - saving you time, without compromising on quality or safety. 理想的设计的非侵入性的检查绝缘情况,福禄克360渗漏米 , 您可以进行测试 , 没有断电装置或断开设备-节省您的时间,在不影响质量和安全。

The unique jaw design of the Fluke 360 AC Leakage Current Clamp Meter eliminates the influence of adjacent current conductors, and minimizes the effects of external magnetic fields, even at low currents. *的下巴设计福禄克360交流泄漏电流钳形表消除了影响邻近目前导体,并zui大限度地减少的影响 , 外部磁场干扰,即使在低电流。 This allows you to perform accurate and reliable tests in today's crowded electrical environments. 这样 , 您就可以进行准确和可靠的测试 , 今天的拥挤的电子环境。 The tough and high-quality jaw design of the Fluke 360 leakage tester guarantees high stability for long-term repeatability and durability. 艰苦和高质量的下巴设计福禄克360漏电测试保证高稳定性的*重复性和耐用性。

Why leakage current testing? 为什么漏电流测试?
Leakage currents can be an indicator of the effectiveness of insulation on conductors. 泄漏电流可显示的效力绝缘导线。 High levels of leakage current may be present in circuits where either the insulation resistance is low, or electronic equipment with filters is used. 高水平的漏电流可能在任何情况下电路的绝缘电阻低,或电子设备 , 过滤器的使用。 Leakage currents can cause disruptions of the normal operation of equipment and installations. 泄漏电流会导致中断的正常运行的设备和设施。 It is possible to locate the source of leakage currents by using the Fluke 360 leakage current clamp meter and taking methodical measurements throughout the installation. 这是有可能的来源进行定位的过程泄漏电流通过使用福禄克360漏电流钳形表 , 并测量整个系统的安装。 The big advantage of leakage current testing versus insulation testing is that the installation and equipment do not need to be powered down but can be done during normal operation. 的zui大优点泄漏电流测试与绝缘测试 , 安装和设备 , 无需关机 , 但可以做到在正常工作。

Method of detection检测方法   Mean value均值 
Display显示  Digital display:数字显示:  3200 counts 3200计数 
Bar-graph display:酒吧,图形显示:  32 segments, LCD 32个细分市场,液晶显示器 
Measurement Cycle测量周期   2 times/second (Digital display), 12 times/second (Bar-graph display) 2次/秒(数字显示) , 12次/秒(酒吧,图形显示) 
Range switching各种开关   Auto-range自动范围 
Ambient temperature and humidity环境温度和湿度   0 °C to 50 °C, 80 % R H or less (no condensation) 0 ° C到50 ° C , 80 % 焓或更少(无冷凝) 
Temperature coefficient温度系数   0.05% of range/°C or less (within the ranges of 0 °C to 18 °C and 28 °C to 50 °C for measurement of 0-50 A) 0.05 %的范围/ ℃或以下(在范围0 ° C到18 ° C和28 ° C到50 ° C的测量0-50甲) 
Influence of external magnetic field影响外磁场   0.0005% typical 0.0005 %典型 
Influence of conductor position影响指挥位置   Within accuracy在精度 
Circuit voltage开路电压   <300 Vrms “ 300 Vrms 
Safety standard安全标准   EN 61010-1, EN 61010-2-032, 300 V CAT III, Pollution Degree 2中文61010-1 ,英文61010-2-032 , 300 V猫三,污染度2 
Withstanding voltage耐电压   3.7 kV ac 3.7千伏交流 
Battery type电池类型   1 x 3 V Lithium battery (button cell) CR2032 1 × 3 V电压锂离子电池(扣式电池) CR2032 
Battery life电池寿命   Approx.约。 90 hours (when continuously used) 90小时(当连续使用) 
Auto power-off自动断电   Approx.约。 10 minutes 10分钟 
Diameter of measurable conductor衡量导体直径   40 mm max. 40毫米zui大。 
Weight重量   200 g 200克 
Dimension尺寸   176 mm x 70 mm x 25 mm一七六毫米× 70毫米x 25毫米 
Operating altitude操作高度   2000 m二零零零米 

Electrical Specification电气规格 
Specifications at规格   23 ± 5 ºC, 80 % RH max 23 ± 5 º ç ,相对湿度80 %zui高 
Accuracy精度   (% readout + value of least significant digit) ( %读数+价值至少重大位数) 
3 mA 3毫安   Resolution: 0.001 mA 决议: 0.001毫安
Accuracy: 1% + 5 精度: 1 % + 5
Max Permissible current: 60 A rms zui大允许电流: 60有效值 
30 mA三○毫安   Resolution: 0.01 mA 决议: 0.01毫安
Accuracy: 1% + 5 精度: 1 % + 5
Max Permissible current: 60 A rms zui大允许电流: 60有效值 
30 A 30   Resolution: 0.01 A 决议: 0.01阿
Accuracy: 1% + 5 精度: 1 % + 5
Max Permissible current: 60 A rms zui大允许电流: 60有效值 
60 A 60   Resolution: 0.1 A 分辨率: 0.1阿
Accuracy: 5% + 5 精度: 5 % + 5
Max Permissible current: 60 A rms zui大允许电流: 60有效值 
Mean value detection and rms-value calibration平均值检测和RMS值标定  Accuracy specified at:精度指明:  50/60 Hz 50/60赫兹 


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