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  • NPort 5600-8-DT系列

NPort 5600-8-DT系列 NPort 5600-8-DT系列

  • 型号NPort5600-
  • 品牌
  • 所在地郑州市
  • 更新时间2018-05-15
  • 厂商性质代理商
  • 入驻年限10
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量36
  • 人气值851

NPort 5600-8-DT系列

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NPort 5600-8-DT系列
NPort 5600-8-DT系列 产品详情



设备联网Moxa正式推出一款NPort 5600-8-DT的桌面型串口联网服务器。该款产品具备8个三合一串口,支持RS-232/422/485,是您在POS、工厂自动化、分散式EMS系统等应用的*。 

  NPort 5600-8-DT系列支持桌面、导轨和壁挂式安装。您可以在NPort 5600-8-DT的底部连接一个导轨配件,以实现导轨式安装。  

  NPort 5600-8-DT系列有两个以太网口,一个网口可以用于连接网络或者设备,另一个网口则可以用于连接其他的网络设备。双网口的设计可以让您无需将每个设备都连接至一个独立的以太网交换机接口,以便节省系统成本。 

  NPort 5650-8-DT系列支持可选1KΩ/150KΩ 上拉下拉电阻和120Ω终端电阻。在一些特殊环境中,串口信号的反射及干扰较大,经常会影响到通讯效果。这时我们需要使用终端电阻以阻止串口信号的反射。同时信号损耗及匹配是另一个难题,正确地设置上拉下拉电阻可以有效防止这些问题的产生。NPort 5600串口设备服务器在每个串口上都设置的可调式电阻,允许客户通过跳线来调节终端电阻和上拉下拉电阻的阻值。并特别对所有信号线提供提供2KV光电隔离保护。

Compact & flexible mounting design for multiple applications – NPort 5600-8-DT Desktop Series

Taipei, Taiwan, May 30, 2007—The leading device server manufacturer MOXA is pleased to announce the release of its new compact size 8-port NPort 5600-8-DT desktop serial device servers. The NPort 5600-8-DT series are 8-port, 3-in-1 serial device servers that support the RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 interfaces. The NPort 5600-8-DT series is the best choice for applications that need additional serial ports, such as POS, Factory Automation, Power Distribution EMS System applications.

Flexible Mounting Design 
NPort 5600-8-DT series is desktop, DIN Rail mountable and Wall mountable. You can attach a DIN-Rail Kit to the NPort 5600-8-DT's bottom panel to save space on the rail, or place the NPort 5600-8-DT in a smaller cabinet.

Two Ethernet ports for convenient cascade – style wiring 
The NPort 5600-8-DT series each have two Ethernet ports that can be used as Ethernet switch ports. While one port connects to the network or server, the other port can be used to connect another Ethernet device. The dual Ethernet ports eliminate the need to connect each device to a separate Ethernet switch, reducing wiring costs.

Convenient Designed for RS485 Applications 
The NPort 5650-8-DT series support selectable 1KΩ/150KΩ pull high/low resistors and 120Ω terminator at the bottom. In some critical environments, termination resistors may be needed to prevent the reflection of serial signals. When using termination resistors, it is also important to set the pull high/low resistors correctly so that the electrical signal is not corrupted. Since no set of resistor values is universally compatible for all environments, NPort 5600 device servers allow manual adjustment of termination and pull high/ low resistor values for each serial port, using DIP switches.

Convenient Power Inputs 
The NPort 5650-8-DT series Support dual power inputs both Terminal Block & Power Jack for user to easy and flexible to implement the power. For power supply power input, user can use Terminal Block and use Power Jack when an adapter is been used.

Built-in Automatic Warning Function by Voice Audio and  
The built-in speakers can be used to alert administrators of problems with the Ethernet links or power input, with the web console indicating which Ethernet link or power input has failed. An warning can also be issued when an exception is detected. These functions are valuable tools that enable maintenance engineers to react promptly to emergency situations.

If you would like more information about MOXA's serial-to-Ethernet products, or if you have any questions on how to link serial devices to Ethernet, please contact MOXA at info@moxa.com , or visit our website at www.moxa。。com.


  • 8 ports supporting RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485 operation
  • Compact desktop size
  • Auto-detecting 10/ 100 Mbps Ethernet
  • 15 KV ESD surge protection for all serial signals
  • Easy IP address configuration with LCM (Liquid Crystal Module)
  • Configuration by web console, net console, and more
  • TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP, and Real COM operation modes
  • Supports SNMP MIB-II for network management
  • Configurable voice alarm for exceptions

About Moxa: Your Trusted Partner in Automation

Moxa is a leading provider of industrial networking, computing, and automation solutions for enabling the Industrial Internet of Things. With over 25 years of industry experience, Moxa has connected more than 30 million devices worldwide and has a distribution and service network that reaches customers in more than 70 countries. Moxa delivers lasting business value by empowering industry with reliable networks and sincere service for industrial communications infrastructures. Information about Moxa’s solutions is available at www.moxa。。com



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