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TCD110 Series,Chatillon Force Tester

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更新时间:2023-03-17 08:05:42浏览次数:76次

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TCD110 Series,chatillon Force TesterTCD110 Series,Chatillon Force Tester,珠海科尔迈测试设备有限公司5年成功销售经验与技术服务!The Chatillon® TCD110 Series is an advanced force testing system optimized for production,


TCD110 Series,chatillon Force Tester
TCD110 Series,Chatillon Force Tester,珠海科尔迈测试设备有限公司5年成功销售经验与技术服务!The Chatillon® TCD110 Series is an advanced force testing system optimized for production,
Chatillon® TCD110 Series
Digital Force Tester (110 lbf, 500 N)

The Chatillon® TCD110 Series is an advanced force testing system optimized for production, quality control and engineering applications. It is a smaller capacity machine compared to the new TCD225 System. The TCD System consists of a powerful, yet easy-to-use console; a rugged frame with high performance, closed-loop motion control; and an intelligent load sensing system with measuring accuracies better than 0.1% full scale. The TCD console features a high resolution color graphical display featuring menus, function and numeric keys and status indicators that assist the user in setup, operation and analysis. Information may be displayed in large-format tabular and graphical formats for easy viewing. The frame operates from 0.001 to 20.0-inches per minute (0.02 to 510 mm/minute) and employs an advanced closed-loop PID controller for precision travel (accuracy better than 0.25% unloaded), ideal for applications such as spring testing where exact distance control is required. The TCD System permits the user to measure heights based on a datum or absolute position. Deflection compensation is standard. Standard test setups for load limits, distance limits, time limits, break tests, rupture tests, cycling and loop tests are included. No Computers. No Software. No Compromises.

Force Capacity

  • 110 lbf ( 500 N)


  • Advanced, Simple to Use Test Setups that You Create Graphically
    - Limit Testing (Load, Distance, Time)
    - Break & Rupture Testing
    - Cyclic & Loop Testing (Time or Count)
    - Multi-Stage/User Defined Testing per ISO and ASTM Specifications
    - Open Architecture
    Does not require computers or proprietary software applications!
  • Use for Height Measurement
    - Ideal for Accurate Spring Testing
  • Advanced Operator Interface based on Metronics Gage Chek Architecture
    - Simple Operation with Templates, Menus & Prompts
    - Tabular & Graphical Results including embedded SPC
    - Multiple Display Languages- English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Korean, Russian, Turkish, and more
  • Data Acquisition at full 1000 Samples per Second (user-selectable from 1 to 1000Hz)
    - Save Data to USB Drive
    - Direct Import into Excel or other OLE2 Compatible Applications
  • Ultimate Security
    - Save Tests and Operate from USB Flash Drive
    - Create Tests and Upload into Production Machines
    - Use Bar Code Scanner to Automatically Call a Test for the Authorized User
    - Save and Transfer Raw Data, Results, Test Setups using USB Flash Drive


  • Measurement Accuracy: Better than 0.1% Full Scale
  • Speed: 0.001 to 20 in/min (0.02 to 510 mm/min)
    - Independent Speeds for all stages within a Test Setup

Load Measurement System

  • Chatillon TLC Series Load Cells
    - Automatic Sensor Recognition
    - Overload History Reporting


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