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来源:北京鸿达天矩试验设备有限公司   2013年11月11日 09:06  




中译英:Beijing hong da day moment xenon arc lamp weather aging test box in the blackboard measuring temperature condition of the surface temperature of the xenon lamp aging test chamber test sample is impossible to know exactly, this is because the exposed materials mainly depends on the highest surface temperature of the internal heat conduction radiation absorption and radiation emission, test samples, test samples with air or with heat transfer between the specimen holder. Due to the temperature is not the actual measurement of a single test samples, so I use a specific company to the blackboard as a measure and control the temperature of heat.

The board with black standard thermometer thermometer is the essential difference between the blackboard adiabatic base. Light and heat conductivity of good sample surface temperature generally under standard thermometer shows the temperature of the black, so black standard thermometer shows dark specimens exposed surface temperature of poor thermal conductivity. Different models of the blackboard and black standard thermometer thermometer is suitable for the different models of xenon lamp aging tester.

Black standard temperature or the blackboard temperature will be influenced by the surrounding air temperature and wind speed. Under the condition of low irradiance, the blackboard or black standard thermometer thermometer shows the temperature and real temperature difference between the sample is very small.




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