

仪表网>产品库>测量/计量>其它测量>其他测量>水泥水养护箱 荣计达HBY-30水泥试件恒温水养护箱 水泥标准水养护箱
  • 水泥水养护箱 荣计达HBY-30水泥试件恒温水养护箱 水泥标准水养护箱
  • 水泥水养护箱 荣计达HBY-30水泥试件恒温水养护箱 水泥标准水养护箱
  • 水泥水养护箱 荣计达HBY-30水泥试件恒温水养护箱 水泥标准水养护箱

水泥水养护箱 荣计达HBY-30水泥试件恒温水养护箱 水泥标准水养护箱

  • 型号
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新时间2021-07-13
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 入驻年限1
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量1334
  • 人气值692

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水泥水养护箱 荣计达HBY-30水泥试件恒温水养护箱 水泥标准水养护箱 产品详情



The cement constant temperature water curing box is the cement cement sand water curing equipment. The cement constant temperature water curing box is based on the new standards GB / T17671-1999 and ISO679-1989 "Cement rubber sand strength testing method" (ISO method). Sand specimens are designed and produced with maintenance requirements. They have simple operation, high temperature control accuracy, and beautiful appearance. The inner tank and water tank of the cement constant temperature water curing box are all made of stainless steel. Floor vacuum glass door.




★容量:软练试模40*40*160 可放174只


★恒温水温:20℃±1℃可调 显示精度0.1℃





Technical parameters of HBY-30 cement constant temperature water curing box:

★ Power supply: 220V ± 10%

★ Box size: 520 * 450 * 880mm

★ Capacity: Soft test model 40 * 40 * 160 can hold 174

★ Dimensions: 770 * 670 * 1580mm

★ Constant water temperature: 20 ℃ ± 1 ℃ adjustable Display accuracy 0.1 ℃

★ Cooling power: 150W

★ Heating power: 600W

★ Fan: 45W

★ Weight: 120Kg




HBY-30 cement constant temperature water curing box principle and structure:

★ The tank type cement constant temperature water curing box box is made of high quality steel, and the inner tank and the tank water tank are all stainless steel materials, which has good corrosion resistance and thermal conductivity. The sub-tank water tank is equipped with sliding wheels and guide rails, which can be easily pushed and pulled out.

★ The maintenance box adopts an intelligent digital temperature controller. When the water temperature is higher or lower than the set temperature, the heating pipe or refrigerator is automatically switched to work to generate cold air or heating, and then the centrifugal fan installed in the box is specially installed. , Can quickly uniform air temperature, so that the water temperature is maintained within the range of 20 ℃ ± 1 ℃.






HBY-30 cement constant temperature water curing box use method:

★ The instrument should be placed in a clean environment without strong vibration and non-corrosive gas. The use environment temperature should be within 0-38 degrees, and the use environment humidity should be less than 85% HR. It should be determined that the power supply voltage should be within 220V and provide a good Ground protection or earth leakage protector.

★ Open the outer door and pull out any sub-tank water tank at the bottom. Then fill the water tank at the bottom of the inner tank with water and immerse the sensor head in the water. Then add the clean water in the sub-tank water tank to about 13CM and put it into the frame. (The horizontal plane should be about 2cm above the test piece).

★ Turn on the power switch, check the temperature setting value, the meter enters the working state, and start working for about 5 hours, and then put the test piece after the water temperature reaches the required temperature.

★ When changing the water in the sink, you can pull out the water tank and lift it up again. After cleaning, put it back in place and fill it with clean water prepared in advance.

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