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  • 光電量測儀器 DNP標準燈箱 DNP Standard Color Viewer

光電量測儀器 DNP標準燈箱 DNP Standard Color Viewer

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  • 所在地
  • 更新时间2022-01-28
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 入驻年限1
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量547
  • 人气值591

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●2006年10月,获得日本柯尼卡美能达(Konica Minolta)中国*经销商*证书。 




DNP标准灯箱 DNP Standard Color Viewer 技术参数 DNP标准颜色Viewer 是摄影机及静相摄影机的评价,调整用的光源装置。 能看由于高频荧光灯点灯方式的采用闪烁不定没有的画像。 方法:光電量
光電量測儀器 DNP標準燈箱 DNP Standard Color Viewer 产品详情

DNP标准灯箱 DNP Standard Color Viewer
方法:光電量測儀器 DNP標準燈箱  DNP Standard Color Viewer
光源: DNP标准颜色viewer油灯
电源: AC100v50,60Hz
点灯方式: 高频点灯方式20KHz
演颜色性: 对各颜色演颜色评价点90以上
色温: (美能达制CL-200测量)
使用温度: 10~40〓C
使用湿度: 80%以下(结露没有事)
外形尺寸: 375W×365H×165D m/m
亮度方面尺寸: 250W×190H m/m
海图尺寸: 320W×290H m/m
消耗功率: 80W
重量: 6.5kg/7.5kg
由于viewer包藏荧光油灯的差异的亮度方面的特性 光電量測儀器 DNP標準燈箱  DNP Standard Color Viewer

【1】 使用前 光電量測儀器 DNP標準燈箱  DNP Standard Color Viewer
光源:DNP标准颜色viewer油灯 10W×4个
【2】 使用 光電量測儀器 DNP標準燈箱  DNP Standard Color Viewer
(1) AC100v的插座插入电源编码的插头。
※注意: AC100v以外的电源请别连接。
 (2) ON电源开关。
 (3) 以油灯点灯常温(20℃)点灯后15~20分稳定。
 (4) 油灯不点灯的时候,向别的项目的大街电保安人员要求请求确认。
 (5) 油灯的胫―王现象发生了的时候修好做电源开关3~4次ON,OFF。
【3】 油灯不点灯的时候
 光電量測儀器 DNP標準燈箱  DNP Standard Color Viewer
 (1) 插座AC100v通上电流。
 (2) 插座插入viewer的插头。
 (3) viewer的电源开关ON。
 (1) 油灯2盏点灯的时候,变压器的一方的保险丝溶断做着。
 (2) 油灯4盏是不点灯的时候,2台变压器的各々的保险丝溶断做着。
  ※注意: 上述(1)(2)AC100v以外的通电的时候发生。这变压器内部烧毁是原因。
【4】 与油灯的交换清扫
 (1) 放松上面框框的硬币螺钉2处。
 (2) 用双手举起50~60毫米上面框框的硬币螺钉方面推到前方的话上面框框偏离实体。
 (3) 取下玻璃板和丙烯板。
 ※注意: 玻璃板因为有破裂请当心手手指。
 (1) 又,1年流逝的时候点灯2,000小时。
 (2) 脱离用双手手指夹油灯的管端部使之转90〓。
 (1) 请在纱布中浸湿酒精擦去反射板表面,丙烯板和玻璃表面的污秽取。
 (2) 清扫为了6个月~1年1次,正常保持色温,亮度无论如何拜托您了。
【5】 使用前
 (1) 请别给(对)viewer实体给予大的冲击。
 (2) 请别搁置对viewer表面沉重的东西。
DNP Standard color Viewer

The DNP Standard color Viewer is a light source which enables you to evaluateadjust videostill cameras. With its high-frequency Fluorescent lighting method, it handles images without flicker.

●The Luminance plane characteristics: according to the types of self-contained fluorescent lamp

Product TypeLuminance Color TemperatureLampColor TemperatureLuminanceColor matching shiftWeightCCV-31FFixedFL10WW-DLB3100K±300Over 1300cd/m2Within 10%6.5kgCCV-51FFixedFL10D-EDL-56K5100K±300Over 1400cd/m2Within 10%6.5kgCCV-31F/GVolume adjustableFL-10WW-DLB3100K±300Over 850~1300cd/m2Within 10%7.5kgCCV-51F/GVolume adjustableFL10D-EDL-56K5100K±300Over 850~1400cd/m2Within 10%7.5

*The color temperature if Luminance. Color Temperature Conversion Type viewer ranges over 50k according to the change of the Luminance.
*The specification may change without notice

Operation Manual 光電量測儀器 DNP標準燈箱  DNP Standard Color Viewer

【1】 Before using the product:

  Power supply  AC 100V, 50/60Hz shared
Light source  10W DNP Standard color Viewer Lamp (4)
Power consumption  80W

【2】 Using the DNP Standard color Viewer

  (1) Plug the power cable of the product into AC100V
【Precautions】 Do not connect any power supply other than AC100V
If the other power supply connected by accident, the inverter inside will burned out
  (2) Turn on the power switch
  (3) Lamp lights: the lamp light will stabilised after 15 to 20 minutes at the room temperature(20℃)
  (4) If the lamp does not lit, call for Service Office for the confirmation as described on other documents.
  (5) To suspend snaking of the lamp, press power switch 3 to 4 times [as ON/OFF].

【3】 If the light does not lit

  Call for Service Office to confirm the following:
  (1) AC 100V supplied to the wall socket.
  (2) Plug the product into the wall socket.
  (3) Turn the power supply switch of the product ON


  Still the lamp does not lit: Consider the following:


  (1) Two of the viewer lamps lit simultaneously, one of the fuses of the inverters has blowouts.
  (2) Four of the viewer lamps does not light means that each of the fuses of the two inverters has blowouts.
【Precautions】 The above occurs if the applied power supply is not AC 100V.
Fuse bum out cause internal burnout of inverter. The burned inverter needs to replace.

【4】 How to replace the lampkeep it clean

  Place the Viewer on the flat table,plug out the power supply cable from the wall socket.
Remove the used device in the following order:
  (1) Unfasten the two of grub screws on the top frame.
  (2) To remove the top frame from the main unit;
Holding 50 to 60 mm the grub screw of the top framepress it forward.
  (3) Remove the glass plateacrylic plate.
【Precaution】 Glass plate easily breaksmay hurt your handsfingers.
Handle the edge of the plate with care not to scratch.

  ◆Replacing the lamps:
  (1) When the lamps used over 2,000 hours or one year, it needs to replace.
  (2) Remove the Lamp Tubes: Hold the edge of the Lamp Tubes,turn it 90 degree.

  ◆Cleaning the device:
  (1) Impregnate alcohol to gauze then apply it onto the surface of the reflection plate / acrylic plate / glass surface to remove the dirt.
  (2) Clean the device once in six months to one year to keep quality of the Color TemperatureLuminance.


DNP Standard Color Viewer

  • High Brightness:The brightness of the Surface (opal) in follows    5100°K:1550nt / 3100°K:1320nt

  • Excellent distribution of illumination:The illumination distribution with 4 lamps in an effective area 190x250mm is 92.5%

  • Color temperature:Two degrees of color temperature of 3100°K and 5100°K can provide an idea light source.  A viewer lamp specially designed by DAI NIPPON is employed.

  • Excellent color rendition:The rendition to each color exceeds 90 points, rendering them extremely bright.

  • The body of the color viewer is made of still for ruggedness.  Outer dimensions 375x365x165mm.  Weight:about 6.5kgs.

  • For spare lamps, feel free to contact us directly.

  • This Viewer is flicker less type.


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