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  • Alluxa窄带滤光片800-899纳米


  • 型号
  • 品牌其他品牌
  • 所在地上海市
  • 更新时间2024-04-23
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 入驻年限5
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量533
  • 人气值165890
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       上海倍蓝光电科技有限公司成立于2012年,是一家年轻而又富有生命力的公司,公司负责人于立民拥有中国科学院长春光学精密机械研究所应用光学国家重点实验室光学专业硕士学位,同时拥有中国科学院上海技术物理研究所航天遥感室物理电子学专业博士学位。曾就职于Labsphere Inc.(蓝菲光学)公司担任该公司亚太区技术总监,负责亚洲区域内客户解决方案的制定及技术支持。在供职期间,主导并设计了多项难度大、技术复杂的定制项目,如大口径空间相机辐射定标系统、弱光紫外空间相机辐射定标系统、单波长可调谐均匀光源系统、高精度多光谱辐亮度标定系统(辐照度标准灯-漫反射板系统)、医用内窥镜检测系统(依据YY0068.1-2008)、显示器ACR(环境对比度)测量系统等多个高难度、高复杂度的定制系统。后带领一支具有丰富的仪器设备开发、使用维护经验的工程师和商务人员成立倍蓝光电科技有限公司。

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Alluxa窄带滤光片800-899纳米 产品详情





▪ 峰值传输率高达98%

▪ Up to 98% peak transmission

▪ 通过设计达截至深度高达OD10

▪ Up to OD10 blocking by design

▪ 波长范围250nm~1800nm可选

▪ CWL at any wavelength from the UV to the near IR (~250nm to 1800nm)

▪ CWL中心波长精度可达0.05nm

▪ CWL tolerances as tight as 0.05nm

▪ FWHM带宽可达0.1nm

▪ FWHM bandwidths as narrow as0.1nm

▪ 透过波前差(RMS):极优0.01λper inch @ 632.8nm

▪ TWE as low as 0.01 wave RMS/inch measured at 632.8nm


820-2 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7271
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 820 nm Nominal
FWHM < 2.3 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 820 nm > 90% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 620 to 802 nm, 838 to 1020 nm; OD4: 400 to 420 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Polished Borofloat®
Dimensions25.0 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness2.0 mm
Assembly TypeAnodized Aluminum Ring
Assembly Thickness3.5 mm
828-0.5 OD5 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7064
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 828 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.65 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 828 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD5
Blocking Range(s)* OD5: 200 to 808 nm, 848 to 1050 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Polished Borofloat®
Dimensions24.9 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness2.0 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
829-0.5 OD5 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7031
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 829 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.65 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 829 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD5
Blocking Range(s)* OD5: 200 to 809 nm, 849 to 1050 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Polished Borofloat®
Dimensions25.0 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness2.0 mm
Assembly TypeAnodized Aluminum Ring
Assembly Thickness3.5 mm
829.375-0.5 OD5 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7272
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 829.375 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.65 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 829.375 nm > 80% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD5
Blocking Range(s)* OD5: 200 to 811 nm, 845 to 1050 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Polished Borofloat®
Dimensions25.0 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness2.0 mm
Assembly TypeAnodized Aluminum Ring
Assembly Thickness3.5 mm
830-0.4 OD5 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7670
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 830 nm +0.4 / -0.1 nm
FWHM < 0.45 nm
Transmission Band(s)† Peak> 90% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD5
Blocking Range(s)* OD5: 600 to 792 nm, 873 to 1200 nm
Filter DesignSingle Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions25.3 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness2.0 mm
Assembly TypeAnodized Aluminum Ring
Assembly Thickness5.0 mm
853.375-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7533
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 853.375 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 853.375 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions25.0 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeAnodized Aluminum Ring
Assembly Thickness3.5 mm
853.75-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7534
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 853.75 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 853.75 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions25.0 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeAnodized Aluminum Ring
Assembly Thickness3.5 mm
853.75-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7290
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 853.75 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 853.75 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
854-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7291
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 854 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 854 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
854.125-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7274
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 854.125 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 854.125 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions25.0 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeAnodized Aluminum Ring
Assembly Thickness3.5 mm
854.125-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7273
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 854.125 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 854.125 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
854.375-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7275
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 854.375 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 854.375 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
854.625-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7276
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 854.625 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 854.625 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
854.875-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7277
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 854.875 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 854.875 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
855.125-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7278
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 855.125 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 855.125 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
855.125-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7361
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 855.125 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 855.125 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions25.0 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeAnodized Aluminum Ring
Assembly Thickness3.5 mm
855.375-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7279
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 855.375 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 855.375 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
855.375-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7362
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 855.375 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 855.375 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions25.0 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeAnodized Aluminum Ring
Assembly Thickness3.5 mm
855.625-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7363
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 855.625 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 855.625 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions25.0 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeAnodized Aluminum Ring
Assembly Thickness3.5 mm
855.625-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7280
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 855.625 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 855.625 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
855.875-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7281
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 855.875 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 855.875 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
855.875-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7364
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 855.875 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 855.875 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions25.0 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeAnodized Aluminum Ring
Assembly Thickness3.5 mm
856.125-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7535
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 856.125 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 856.125 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions25.0 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeAnodized Aluminum Ring
Assembly Thickness3.5 mm
856.125-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7282
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 856.125 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 856.125 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
856.375-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7283
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 856.375 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 856.375 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
856.625-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7284
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 856.625 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 856.625 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
856.875-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7285
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 856.875 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 856.875 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
857.125-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7286
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 857.125 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 857.125 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
857.375-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7287
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 857.375 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 857.375 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
857.625-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7288
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 857.625 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 857.625 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
857.875-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7289
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 857.875 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 857.875 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
858-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7292
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 858 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 858 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
858.25-0.75 OD6 Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filter
Item Number7293
Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees
Center Wavelength 858.25 nm Nominal
FWHM < 0.85 nm
Transmission Band(s)† 858.25 nm > 85% T Absolute
Blocking Level OD6
Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 200 to 836 nm, 872 to 1200 nm; OD4: 1200 to 1400 nm
Filter DesignMulti-Cavity
Substrate Type Borofloat®
Dimensions12.6 mm Diameter
Filter Thickness0.7 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted

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