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  • Titan MPS 16 Position Microwave Sample Preparation System 两种型号 ICP-AES分析仪

Titan MPS 16 Position Microwave Sample Preparation System 两种型号 ICP-AES分析仪

  • 型号
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新时间2023-05-01
  • 厂商性质其他
  • 入驻年限1
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量159
  • 人气值730

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Titan MPS 16 Position Microwave Sample Preparation System 两种型号 ICP-AES分析仪 产品详情

The 16-position pressure vessel Titan MPS microwave has dual magnetrons with 1,500 Watts peak output microwave power delivered in 1% output increments. Designed for rugged, routine laboratory use the system incorporates a stainless steel outer case, which encloses a cylindrical corrosion-resistant PFA coated oven cavity that ensures homogeneous microwave distribution. Reproducible sample digestion is achieved through precise reaction control of temperature and/or pressure. Access to the sample area from above via a hinged lid offers easy sample access. The system employs 75 mL vessels and allows digestion temperatures up to 260 °C and pressures up to 40 bar.

Product Features:

  • Titan MPS Direct Temperature Control (DTC): sophisticated non-contact IR sensor provides superb reaction control by measuring the real-time temperature of each individual sample material (not the vessel surface temperature) while also eliminating the contamination issues and inconvenience of contact sensing devices.
  • Titan MPS Direct Pressure Control (DPC): This unique contact-free system utilizes a combination of polarized light and glass pressure ring with a remote optical sensor built into the vessel cap to measure and control pressure changes in a reference vessel.
  • Flexible Turntable: Simple and rugged, the turntable supports long-life vessels for standard pressure digestion. Optional interchangeable turntables allow for quick and easy changeover from 16-position vessels to 8-position vessel to deliver an expanded working pressure range that comes with the larger, 8-position vessels.
  • Pre-installed sample methods: pre-installed sample methods are available covering a wide range of digestion conditions, with space for many additional user-created methods.
  • Software: Monitor and control multiple Titan MPS systems over a network via the standard Ethernet connection for convenient viewing of reactions and conditions, data analysis, and system control. English, German, French, Spanish, Italian languages are supported on the color touch-screen.
  • Safety: The rugged construction of the lid and its interlocked sensor system ensures operator safety and security. A gas containment manifold utilizing a unique "quick connect" vessel attachment safely contains any gas which may escape during an unplanned vessel over pressure situation.

Attributes / Specifications:

Power - 230 V, 50 – 60 Hz

Pressure rating
40 bar (16 position)

Temperature control - Optical/sample temperature

Pressure control - IR/direct sample



深度63.5 cm
高度43.2 cm
产品尺寸16 Position
重量53.0 kg
宽度53.4 cm


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