

  • JE电机引接线-电气设备用电缆
  • JE电机引接线-电气设备用电缆
  • JE电机引接线-电气设备用电缆
  • JE电机引接线-电气设备用电缆
  • JE电机引接线-电气设备用电缆


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  • 所在地淮安市
  • 更新时间2017-01-06
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 入驻年限9
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量83
  • 人气值4676
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江苏春晨电缆有限公司,公司主要的产品有:扁电缆,电力电缆、控制电缆、橡皮绝缘电缆、电焊机电缆、硅橡胶电缆,船用电缆、矿用电缆、聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆、计算机电缆、DJYVP2计算机电缆,DJYVP3计算机电缆,DJYVP22计算机电缆,仪表电缆、电站用电缆、电机引接线、编织电线、高温导线等。型号有:TVVB YFFB YVFB电梯扁电缆,YC YCB YCBP YGCB高压橡套电缆硅橡胶电缆扁电缆,JXN JBQ JEM JFEYH JG AGG JEM电机引接线,同时承接特殊型号规格电线电缆产品的研制、开发业务。

防护等级IP40 护套材质橡胶 绝缘厚度1.5
外表材质乙丙橡胶 线芯材质紫铜线 芯数1
颜色黑色 应用范围电力系统
江苏春晨电缆有限公司专业生产JE电机引接线, 二 : 电机绕组引接软电缆 生产执行标准: JB6213.4-92 三: 电机绕组引接软电缆 使用条件1 连续运行导体zui高温度为180℃; 2 电缆(电线)的额定电压为500V,1000V;3 敷设时的允许弯曲半径应不小于电缆(电线)外径的
JE电机引接线-电气设备用电缆 产品详情


 二 : 电机绕组引接软电缆 生产执行标准: JB6213.4-92


 三:   电机绕组引接软电缆 使用条件JE电机引接线

        1 连续运行导体zui高温度为180℃;JE电机引接线

        2 电缆(电线)的额定电压为500V,1000V;

        3 敷设时的允许弯曲半径应不小于电缆(电线)外径的4倍,

The scientific way of laying the insulated power cables in developed countries


In 2011, the total output value of China's wire and cable has surpassed the United States to become the world's largest wire and cable manufacturing country, but had to be clearly aware that China's cable production capacity has been a serious surplus. According to incomplete statistics, if all the cable companies in China to start a comprehensive, can meet the needs of the whole of Asia, Oceania. In the cable capacity serious process at the same time, because the XLPE insulated power cable laying cable breakdown caused by improper operation of the cable fault accounted for a very large proportion, so the comprehensive understanding of XLPE power cable laying scientific imminent. This paper first introduces the three main types of land installation of medium voltage XLPE insulated power cable.

我国现阶段电缆工程设计主要参照GB 50217-2007与DL/T 5221-2005等相关标准,DL/T 5221-2005要求所敷设XLPE绝缘中压电力电缆的zui小弯曲半径,单芯为12D,三芯为10D(D=电缆实测外径),但不同厂家针对不同种类的中压电缆的弯曲半径略有不同。理论上来讲,6根及以下采用直埋的敷设方式,16根及以下采用隧道的敷设方式,21根及以下采用排管或电缆沟的敷设方式。但以上所述数据均为理想状态下,施工中应根据不同的产品要求及真实的地理及相关环境而定。本文主要讨论了直埋敷设、排管敷设与隧道敷设等三种陆地敷设方式。

At the present stage of China's cable engineering design mainly refers to the GB 50217-2007 and DL/T 5221-2005 standards DL/T 5221-2005 requirements for the minimum bending radius of XLPE insulated power cable, 12D single core, three core 10D (D= cable diameter, measured) but different manufacturers for medium voltage cable bending radius of different types of slightly different. In theory, the 6 root and below by way of laying buried, 16 and below using the tunnel laying mode, 21 and below by way of laying pipe or cable channel. But the data are ideal, the construction should be based on different requirements of the product and the real geography and related environment. This paper mainly discusses the buried laying, pipe laying and tunnel laying three land laying mode.


Three 2 kinds of medium voltage XLPE insulated power cable laying mode

2.1 直埋敷设

2.1 buried

China is currently used widely is laying buried buried, because has the advantages of low cost, simple installation procedure and obvious. The construction units in the selection of directly buried before, must understand the attributes of products and suppliers such as cable, sheath type (whether termite, insects and other functions), bending radius of the cable supplier recommendations (such as whether armored etc.) etc.. The can be buried, should be carried out on-site investigation and verification in accordance with the construction design, determine the trend of cable, to avoid the high temperature area (such as the city heating system and factory), poor soil or rocky areas (such as debris flow prone area etc.). In general, the buried depth of XLPE insulated power cables should be in the frozen soil layer below, North and South are different. Cable laying should be in the cable channel laying 100-120mm thickness of fine sand, and then covered with cement or concrete protection cover plate, it is recommended that the width of the cover plate is better than the diameter of the cable 100-120mm. And then fill in the backfill, backfill to respond to the cable sheath without corrosion, backfill process is best to add a layer of color Mini warning. After the end of the backfill, it is recommended in the cable joints, bending, or with other lines at the intersection to do warning, to prevent man-made damage.


XLPE insulated cables directly buried installation is only suitable for less or no termites, far away from heat, flat terrain, traffic is not dense, without acid-base or chemical corrosion and no underground zone etc.. So the choice must be well buried before the geographical survey. General 10kV and cable and with armored layer can be due to the actual choice of directly buried laying.

2.2 排管敷设

2.2 row pipe laying

The so-called row of pipe laying is when the cable put a number of more for a long time, the cable is installed in a secure underground orderly arrangement of the underground pipeline in the way. Pipe laying for tube diameter is greater than or equal to 1.5 times the actual diameter of cables, the same laying depth in the permafrost below the discharge pipe to work well should be greater than 0.2% slope direction, and the gap between each row of pipe should be more than 20mm, so as to ensure good heat dissipation. When installing the cable, make sure the entrance of the row of pipes is smooth, no sharp point in the tube or debris, so as not to be scratched when the cable installation. XLPE insulated cable working temperature is 90 DEG C, selection of pipe material, to select materials with good mechanical properties, thermal performance, the main pipe material is vinylon cement pipe, double wall corrugated pipe, plastic pipe, flame retardant PVC-C and fusion PE drawing etc..

Exhaust pipe laying the advantages of easy maintenance, and other cable reserved space, small occupied area, the cable well can be adjusted to a larger space, has good fireproof performance, strong mechanical resistance, generally applicable to the cross line more, such as highway and railway traffic in busy areas, this is not recommended with the installation of armoured cable the way. Pipe laying has obvious shortcomings, compared with buried pipe laying, installation of high cost, poor heat dissipation, easy to cause the XLPE insulated cables of long service life of small (usually XLPE insulated cables for the design life of 30 years, according to statistics, if the pipe laying properly, will make the service life of the cable XLPE reduce 35%--40%). In addition, the transfer pipe laying head more, there Water Leakage, small animal bite intrusion and other hazards, the maintenance cost is high.


2.3 tunnel laying


The so-called cable tunnel laying, generally refers to accommodate 21 or more of the cable sites, and equipped with the detection and maintenance of the channel, in a fully enclosed tunnel in the laying of cables. The number of cables can change at any time in the tunnel, without the two ground breaking work, resistance to mechanical performance is very strong, and the detection and maintenance is very convenient. When laying the tunnel, first of all, to understand the voltage level of the cable, cable diameter and insulation material properties, and then to determine the distance between the arrangement of the cable. The lighting system and drainage system are used in the cable tunnel, and the double ventilation system of mechanical ventilation and natural ventilation is adopted to reduce the air humidity in the tunnel,

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