

  • JBQ电机引接线-电气设备用电缆
  • JBQ电机引接线-电气设备用电缆
  • JBQ电机引接线-电气设备用电缆
  • JBQ电机引接线-电气设备用电缆
  • JBQ电机引接线-电气设备用电缆


  • 型号
  • 品牌
  • 所在地淮安市
  • 更新时间2017-03-14
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 入驻年限9
  • 实名认证已认证
  • 产品数量83
  • 人气值4676
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江苏春晨电缆有限公司,公司主要的产品有:扁电缆,电力电缆、控制电缆、橡皮绝缘电缆、电焊机电缆、硅橡胶电缆,船用电缆、矿用电缆、聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆、计算机电缆、DJYVP2计算机电缆,DJYVP3计算机电缆,DJYVP22计算机电缆,仪表电缆、电站用电缆、电机引接线、编织电线、高温导线等。型号有:TVVB YFFB YVFB电梯扁电缆,YC YCB YCBP YGCB高压橡套电缆硅橡胶电缆扁电缆,JXN JBQ JEM JFEYH JG AGG JEM电机引接线,同时承接特殊型号规格电线电缆产品的研制、开发业务。

防护等级IP40 护套材质橡胶 绝缘厚度1.5
外表材质乙丙橡胶 线芯材质紫铜线 芯数1
颜色黑色 应用范围电力系统
JBQ电机引接线-电气设备用电缆 产品详情


Wire and cable inspection is the strict implementation of the national policy on the quality of products, policies and the superior quality of wire and cable technology products and related products to ensure the quality of the system. Practice has proved that the quality of wire and cable products is related to the safety of electricity, the relationship between the quality of life of the people to improve, the relationship between the reputation of the enterprise. But the yield and quality of wire and cable products is not only judged out, but in the design and production process produced by two tests to determine the quality of products. JBQ电机引接线Product quality is a comprehensive reflection of the enterprise, so to improve the quality of wire and cable products is the responsibility of all employees. To improve product quality, we must promote the comprehensive quality management, rely on the masses, to ensure product quality. Product quality inspection is not only an important part of total quality management, but also an indispensable part of the production process to ensure product quality, is an important means to ensure the quality of products. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously strengthen the quality inspection of wire and cable products.


What is the product quality inspection? Product quality inspection is by some means or methods, determination of the quality of products, and the determination results with the established quality standards for comparison, so as to make the product qualified or unqualified to judge.


The results of test is always established, hence "afterwards", so called pure quality inspection after the inspection, the main task is to "check" unqualified raw materials into the workshop, semi-finished products unqualified into the next process, according to the requirements of product quality, the unqualified rejection, investment don't make the production into the next process or product factory. This post hoc test, for the prevention of substandard products mixed with the production or factory, to ensure product quality is compley necessary. On the actual situation of our enterprise at present, must check strictly "gatekeeper" in the future, we. However, after all, the test is passive, to ensure product quality focus on the test is not a fundamental solution to the quality of the problem. Checks to be strict, just picked up the waste, and can not solve the problem of waste generated reasons, should be implemented to ensure the combination and active prevention, prevention principle, implementation method, and help prevent work card and inspection personnel.


Card: check; anti: preventing the waste generated, nip in the bud; help: and technical guidance to operators, to solve the quality problems; say: advocating the principle of quality first, quality inspection is only on the weaknesses.

关键词:接线柱 标准
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